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Spider-man 3



I went to see it with my dad today. And I was not disappointed at all. I loved it. The start was a great one, and I loved how the symbiote arrived... Flint Marko's transformation and reformation was one of the most dramatic, emotional scenes ever... Peter's struggles, and those of the people around him, were well portrayed. His discovery of the suit and how he used it was great, but I was aghast when Peter got himself an Emo hairstyle. However, this was alleviated when he acted rude and thoughtless later on, seeing as Emos are obnoxious, condescending wastes of wastes... Harry/The New Goblin's role was such a great one... Also, Venom's backstory was very accurate minus the Secret Wars part that was omitted from the plot, and I liked Topher Grace's portrayal. The character depth in this one was wonderful, and that also made me regret a certain character's death, since they had been given important roles in the past two movies but their characters hadn't been developed as majorly as other characters' had. I loved J. K. Simmon's portrayal of J. Johah Jameson, just as it was for the last two movies as well. The movie maintained the epic, elaborate feel of the first and second movies, and I felt the movie really lived up to my expectations. It deserves the huge amount of money it's made so far and more, and more than just to make up for its budget of $258 million. What an awesome movie. Not much wrong with it. Although on the soundtrack, there's a My Chemical Romance song, I found that out on Wikipedia. *shudders*


In other news, today is 5/6/07. Irony, eh?


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The movie was pretty awesome, I was looking for a little more "villain" fighting.

I found J.J. way more funny in this one.

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seeing as Emos are obnoxious, condescending wastes of wastes

I find this comment quite abusive...


Anways, yes the movie was awesome. Better than the others, though Venom shoulda' been in it more...

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I think they could made Venom appear a bit longer. And his death kinda made me unhappy. They could of made it a bit cooler.

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