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What Modular Building Should I Get?



The new Detective's Office model that's been seen around lately looks rather nice, and now I'm tempted to maybe get one. And if I do, perhaps I should also look like some of the older ones, so I can get a few of them before they disappear from production. This idea is terrible financially, since these things aren't exactly cheap. But it seems like a good idea when I'm putting up displays around my apartment and going "Gee, I don't have that many structures to put my minifigs next to." And of those two issues, clearly the one that requires me to purchase more Lego is the more important one.


There are only three other modular buildings currently availible thru Lego: the Palace Cinema, the Parisian Restaraunt, and the Pet Shop. None of them really jump out to me over the others. The Pet Shop has some nice colors (sand blue) while the Parisian Restaurant has some more intricate designs. And the Cinema looks nice too, even if there's quite a lot of tan. So none of them are bad, but none of them really stand out, so if I theoretically were to get one (just one), which should I get and why?






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Pet Shop is most likely going to be the first one to go away, and is a fantastic model. I'd consider it much more interesting than the Palace Cinema, and while the Parisian Restaurant and Detective's Office could give it a run for its money, those two are likely to stick around for a few more years. So yeah. Pet Shop for sure.

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As someone who has both the Pet Shop and Palace Cinema, I have to say that the Palace Cinema has a nice Hollywood feel, however the Pet Shop has a Lego toilet. So, you know, it's a tough call. But seriously, the Cinema can only hold a handful of minifigs on the second floor in the actual theater, which is kind of a bummer. Everything else about it-the design, the posters, the black and white movie screen, the star walk, etc-is wonderful in my opinion. The Pet Shop has two buildings, though and the design is definitely appealing. Plus it comes with a lot of cool animals.


As a baker and someone who has worked in a professional kitchen, I do not have the heart to get the restaurant because the kitchen is so tiny even compared to the smallest kitchens I have worked in.

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While I can't compare it to the other two, my younger brother has the Parisian Restaurant, which I think is a rather awesome set. Like you pointed out, the design is the highlight. The architecture is very creative and fun, and very pretty to stare and admire at. But I also like a lot of the little features inside the building. The tables and curtains are wonderful, and while the kitchen seems a little cramped, it too has some neat details. There's also a notable, nicely made wine cabinet. The apartment and art studio are less spectacular, but have some nice touches, and don't detract from the set.

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The Parisan Restraunt is the best of the available ones, but it's also the newest. I'd say go for the Pet shop one as soon as you can if you want it.

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