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A question for someone who's good with computer type stuff.



Ok. So my copy of Heartgold has ceased to function. It says the save data can't be accessed. Anyone got any ideas?


I've got the thing open. I'm aware that that isn't recommended, but I figured, since Nintendo customer service said that getting it fixed/replaced is the same price as a new copy, and there's no guarantee they can fix it, the worst case scenario is that it continues to not work. best case scenario, I can get it working long enough to grab any pokemon I want off of it.


So, Anyone know some things I could try? I know someone who can solder, and I might attempt that as a last ditch effort. But I see no damage whatsoever.


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turn it off and back on again

And failing that, take out out and blow on it and put it back in.


Also soldering is less related to "computer type stuff" anyway? But I think giving Nintendo a try sounds much more sound than doing it yourself.



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turn it off and back on again

And failing that, take out out and blow on it and put it back in.


the exact same thing happened to me with soulsilver, taking it out and blowing on it (also blow into the cartridge slot on your 3DS/DS [depending what you're playing it on]) managed to fix it, no permanent damage, everything was back to normal


- Indigo Individual

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No. It's clearly been used, but beyond that, no sign of anything wrong. It worked fine Before I put it in the case I got for my 3DS, and I think it's stayed there until I tried to play it.

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Okay, totally did not see this reply.


Try using the PokeTransporter before opening the cart. If the thing really will still work, then that's probably gonna be the best way to get the Pokemon off, because you're not gonna get it off the game via trading.

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Don't you have to transport them into b/w/2 and then into bank? Once I can get them off of the game I'm pretty much done with that game, since it's not really working, but my white and black 2 cards still work.

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Yeah, that's what I mean; try to transport it to White/Black 2. That's what the thing in the Unova games are called, no? =P


Also, the save file's corrupt, but you can restart the game on a new file if that works.

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Oh. Right. I haven't tried that. S'pose it's worth a shot.

And I don't think I can restart the game unless I can get to the main menu...


Edit: Didn't work. Honestly, I wouldn't be terribly concerned as I can get another Vaporeon and I can get the birds through leafgreen and then use Pearl, but I only have one Mew, and if they hadn't made it such a pain in the rear to transfer them in the first place this wouldn't even be an issue.

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I keep forgettting to check up on this. >>'


Here's the issue then; the save file's gone, it's kaput, vanished, poof.


What does it do when you launch up the game?

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Every time I've heard of the save file corrupting, it's been after pressing a/start on the Lugia/Ho-oh screen. 0_o That's when it said my battery died on Emerald(though the game can still be played. =P and saved, since that only affects berries and time)...


Plus, normally you can just wipe your save and restart, but this seems more... permanent.

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