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Game Development and Releases



Apparently, it's ABSOLUTELY ABHORRENT that a major game studio hasn't released a game since 2011. That is apparently 'unacceptable' and game devs need to tell us a lot about what they are doing and must never be completely silent about it.


Right. I prefer not to have games rushed, thank you. This year's seen far too much of that.


Statements like those above, I imagine, really annoy game developers. I don't even make games and I understand that games just don't pop into existence, large games are definitely not easy to make, and that some game developers prefer to keep quiet about what they are doing. You should not hound game developers just because you feel you are entitled to a new game. Because you are not.

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These same people are also probably the ones who constantly lampoon issues like those that arose in Assassin's Creed Unity, yet it's because of them that developers are rushed by publishers to push things out so quickly.


In this particular case, I'm kinda curious what studio you're referring to in particular and their situation.


(That said, I totally would complain in some issues too... Like Kingdom Hearts. It's been almost 10 years since KH2 and a real continuation, and until a year ago nothing was ever being said than "we'll work on it eventually." Which isn't a very satisfying answer. After an amount of time like that, while knowing something is supposed to happen, I think the frustration is justified.)

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Another thing is a certain studio that begins with C and ends with apcom...


Yes, we've been waiting since 2010 for ANYTHING that's not a mobile game for Mega Man. But, that's kinda a more reasonable wish, considering that in 2011, same studio canceled every single game in said series in one fell swoop, and focused on a mobile game, while saying 'things would happen'.


Problem is, Mega Man isn't a series that needs a giant development cycle, and we haven't heard a single word of news since they canceled the one big game that'd need such a large cycle. So, in this case, it's kinda a bit justifiable to go "okay, and now what?", since there's no sign that Mega Man isn't a dead franchise, aside from media stuf, a cameo in Smash Bros, and a mobile game that never left Japan because it was so simplistic and is about to be terminated early next year.

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I'm honestly curious about which studio you're referring to...


Though, personally, I agree, I'd much rather wait for a game and have it be awesome, then get it now as a buggy mess. 


I mean, this generation is proof of that, right?

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Though, personally, I agree, I'd much rather wait for a game and have it be awesome, then get it now as a buggy mess. 


I mean, this generation is proof of that, right?


Look at a lot of the receptions to games released this year - often the games have been obviously rushed, to less than warm reception. People are getting tired of it, very tired.

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Speaking of entitlement...



(... Like Kingdom Hearts. It's been almost 10 years since KH2 and a real continuation, and until a year ago nothing was ever being said than "we'll work on it eventually." Which isn't a very satisfying answer. After an amount of time like that, while knowing something is supposed to happen, I think the frustration is justified.)


Okay no.  No no no no no no no.  No.


You know what happened after KH2?  Square Enix said "We're going to make you three all new games, here's tons of info on all of them as we continue to develop them and the overall story of the series."  And then we got three whole games, at least one of which was explicitly stated to be extremely important, that everyone ignored just because they decided not to put a 3 on the end of the titles.


And you know what happened after that?  Square Enix decided to make a game tying all these plotlines together, moving forward, and setting everything in place for a climactic showdown.  As well as a free to play MMO taking place in a central time in the series' mythology--granted, this hasn't been released in the US yet, but you can't just discount it.


And after that, they answered the criticism of the series being spread out on too many consoles by collecting nearly everything on one console in HD with new improvements and new scenes.  At the same time, they released a barebones trailer for a title they had literally just begun to develop and had virtually nothing to show for, all because they know how ungrateful and whiny their fanbase is.


I’m certainly not saying that you have to love every game in the series (God knows some of them are awful), but you don’t get to completely glance past all the hard work Square Enix has put in over the past decade and say “my frustration is justified” for the sole reason that they didn’t use the number 3 as soon as you were hoping for.  Do you have any idea how ridiculous that is?


Seriously.  Please stop.

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Way to blow something up over a tiny little harmless comment that wasn't an affront to you in any way.


Did I forget to mention that I played all of the games you mentioned too? (Well, except BBS because I wasn't buying a PSP for one title.) And based on your recent blog posted for when you started the series... I've been playing longer than you too. I've cared too - it's one of my most beloved franchises. I don't see what gives you any right to act so disrespectfully towards me just because you're a fan (too).


I specifically meant a console release, which was what kept getting teased - they literally skipped a generation of consoles until the remakes... which are just remakes. That's not the same thing as a new title. And that's what they kept saying was coming. The console release. The next big installment. Not a bunch more side stories which I never even said I had a problem with existing.


Just... WOW! You'd think I slapped your mother or something from that response. You went off on me for things I didn't say at all and just... Yeah, no, I'm saying this and leaving. I don't even want to talk with you anymore about this.

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I was going off the phrase "real continuation", which kind of implies that everything they've done since then has been meaningless.  Considering people have been saying that garbage for years, I'm a little sick of it.

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Alright, people, let's just chill out here a bit, eh?
There was absolutely no need for this to escalate the way it did. There is nothing wrong with sharing/arguing for a different perspective on a subject, but calling people out and flying off the handle is neither respectful nor going to help your case. Are you sick of hearing a view that doesn't agree with yours? Get over it; you're not entitled to have your viewpoint treated as the gospel truth and it doesn't give you any right to blow a top.
Go ahead and disagree. Go ahead and tell people what your take is.
Just do it with respect, treat the other person like a human being, and act your age, not your shoe size.


Be quiet, all of you, and sort out your differences elsewhere. This isn't a KH blog post.

I'm all for people taking the initiative to moderate their own blogs, but again, this is not the way to do it. Be respectful. Mediate, don't exacerbate.


Takuma Nuva

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