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Little Miss Krahka


All right. I'm in the mood for some Bionicle fan fic. Tell me why I should read what you've written. I don't care whether it's a


Things I like:

1. Good world building. I want to see a really really cool new world.


2. Really really new things. I haven't read enough Bionicle fan fiction to know what's rediculously old in the fandom. However, I can spot creativity when I see it.


3. Women. Blatantly ignore what has been said. There are female Matoran in places other than Ga-Whatever. And there are male Matoran in said Land Of Water. I will never be shaken from this. There is no reason for this to exist.



Things that will automatically fail you:

1. Script format. I hate reading Shakespeare because of how much I hate reading scripts without seeing them preformed. A large amount of my own work consists of stageplays and I hate reading scripts. If you are not writing a play, you should go for prose and never turn back. Please. Save my head.


2. Bad grammar and spelling. I'm not a grammar nazi, but I do like it when you put effort into what you make. If you put effort into making a good story, then please make effort to make it readable. If your story's good enough, then it's worth the time to run through it several times with a fine tooth comb.

Of course, this may or may not be the reason why I never end up finishing things. Ah well.


3. Original islands that end in "-Nui". Yes LEGO, you are guilty of this. It's worse than Star Wars having a million planets that end in "-ooine". I'll be able to overlook this,



Things I'm Interested In


1. The Krahka. Yeah. That's my major dig. I want to see every single story about Krahka in general, whether the character or the species. I lean slightly towards the species, but that's because tons of Krahka are better than just one. But just one is good.


2. Crack-pairings. In most of my fandoms, I tend to ship really weird pairings. The most logical ship I erm, ship would be Luna/Neville in Harry Potter, which is, to my knowledge, the only ship besides the infamous Harry/Hermione thing that J.K. Rowling herself debunked. However, Luna/Neville shippers are, pretty much by definition, way too awesome for canon.

So for Bionicle, I'm thinking stuff like Thok/Hahli, Dume/Gaaki, Sidorak/Gali, Axxon/Roodaka, that sort of thing.

Also. Slash. These are probably not posted on BZP, and I've probably seen them all, but it's certainly worth a shot. I mean seriously. You've got five guys to one girl. For Mata Nui's sake. It makes way too much sense.

You know, Axxon/Roodaka's beginning to actually make some manner of sense. He was the sworn protector of Mata Nui, a warrior in the defense of light, justice and hope for all beings everywhere! She was an exile of her race,

When they meet under secret identity, neither realizes


3. Smart Rahi. I have this image of the Rahi as being absolutely on the intelligence level of Matoran, and occasionally higher. They probably aren't as technologically advanced, and they definitely have an extremely distinct culture, both from Matoran and from other species.


4. My favorite year had to have been '04. I prefer a more technological bent to my Bionicle. I enjoy parallels with historical things.


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