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You know when you're working on something cool hoping it never gets usurped by official things? Well, I just want to go on record as having made Green Arrow, Cyborg, Supergirl, Captain Cold, and Hawkman minifigs.








Seriously though, I'm becoming obsessed with making my own figs from DC and Marvel comics, and have a list of 20 more I want to make. Good guys, bad guys, known or obscure. And as soon as I figure out water-slide decals, they'll look even cooler.


-CF :kakama:

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Learn to make decals so I can ask you to make some for me!  :D


That is a pretty awesome collection of figs.  Supergirl, Zatara, and Cyborg are actually all really well done!  But where'd you get the SDCC Batman of Zur-En-Arrh?



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Learn to make decals so I can ask you to make some for me!  :D


That is a pretty awesome collection of figs.  Supergirl, Zatara, and Cyborg are actually all really well done!  But where'd you get the SDCC Batman of Zur-En-Arrh?





I got it from 55555. Where he got it is his story to tell.



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So are you planning to replace any of these with the official ones once they come out? Or just stick with your customs?


Also I get a feeling you could really use another minifigure display case! It's getting a little bit cramped inside that one!

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So are you planning to replace any of these with the official ones once they come out? Or just stick with your customs?Also I get a feeling you could really use another minifigure display case! It's getting a little bit cramped inside that one!


I'm looking into getting a larger clear case where I can display all kinds of minifigs.


I'll probably get the Green Arrow fig, because it's cooler than mine, but I think my Cyborg and Hawkman are better. I'm aiming for the Supergirl set.



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