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On Holiday Break...

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks. I thought I pop in today and let you all know that I am on holiday break from work now. That's pretty cool. It means i have more time to check out stuff here (Such as BIONICLE 2015 stuff, which I only really taken a brief view of.) and do other stuff (Video Games, ect.).


But yeah, you might see me around here a bit more. *shrugs* To be honest, I don't really have definite plans for my free time this week. Like right now, I just been watching a bunch Star Trek: Voyager on Netflix (I just finished season 3 and I am currently on season 4, episode 4.). XD


Hm...I probably should continue my Pokemon journey through Omega Ruby, which I hadn't played since the week...my grandmother passed away...


But yeah, uh... I probably should continue that. Oh, and for those wondering how much progress I made in it before that week, I was only up to second gym. So yeah, not a lot of progress. I am pretty sure all of you have beaten it by now. XD


Speaking of games, last weekend I decided to continue Ace Attorney: Investigations. I ended finishing Case 3 and I am probably going start Case 4 this week. And who knows, maybe I'll beat the game this week too. XD


That would be nice. It give me a reason to update my Backloggery. Of course, buying games for myself in the Steam Sale isn't exactly helping that backlog. XD


Speaking of Steam games, does anyone want these Steam keys:


- Bridge Constructor

- Magicka + Dungeons and Daemons DLC

- Magicka: Wizard Wars - Yogscast Tippin' Unique Item

- Cities in Motion 2

- Ace of Spades: Battle Builder > Sent to Meiko

- Thomas Was Alone (I actually I have played this one before. And if I am not mistaken, I did beat it. Its pretty cool simple 2D platformer. I recommend if you like platformers and it seems like it could run on most computers. It ran on my old one and that just have standard graphic card from 2008)

- Mark of the Ninja > Sent to Burnmad

- Montas (Early Access)

- Stronghold Crusader HD

- Swords and Soldiers HD

- NiGHTS Into Dreams > Sent to Kohaku

- Strike Suit Infinity > Sent to ~Shockwave~

- Call of Juarez


I got the keys from the Humble Bundle for "Yogscast Jingle Jam" this month and well, I didn't really donate for games, so I thought maybe you folks might want them. If you do, let me know and I'll sent you over a key code through PM here.


Moving on, my last gaming thought is I am probably going start KH II.5 this week since well, I been itching to play it (And well, it also helps that I finally beat Dream Drop Distance recently. Yes, I know what took me so long to do that. I really don't have any good excuse for not beating it sooner.). Oh, and I'll try to play some Smash as I have been neglecting it. XD


So yeah, I guess I have some ideas on how to use my free time this week. I doubt I'll do all of them, especially since I am sure I can think of plenty of other stuff. But well, we will just have to wait and see.


Alright, well, that's all I really have to say here. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a great day today. I'll talk you later, BZPers.


Oh, and Happy Holidays to those that are celebrating a holiday this week.


- JMJ 2014

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Totally interested in NiGHTs. >_>


That said use your Backloggery... although I need to use mine a little more often too. XD Still I know the feeling of beating games that should have been beaten long ago. I have too many of those.


Also! Happy Holidays! :3

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@Burnmad & ~Shockwave~: Steam Keys Sent! Oh, and Happy Holidays!


@Kohaku: Steam Key Sent!


Yeah, I know. I need to used my Backloggery more. XD


Happy Holidays to you as well!


@Pohatu: Master of Stone: Well, Steam is an internet-based digital distribution, digital rights management, multiplayer, and social networking platform developed by Valve Corporation. Hm...Based on your profile, looks like you must be familiar with them as you have played Team Fortress 2.


But anyway, Humble Bundle is a site that has series of collections ("bundles") of digital creations that are sold and distributed online at a price determined by the purchaser. Often a portion of the sales also go to charity. (In case of the Yogscast Jingle Jam bundle, all sales goes to the charities in question.)


Now often they sell these games with a key to download through the Steam service. A key is basically used to give a Steam user the rights to download and play the game through the Steam service.


Does that make sense to you?


Hm...I guess I should use an example. So let's say you wanted the Steam Key for Thomas Was Alone. In order for me to sent you that Steam Key, I have to get create a gift link on Humble Bundle site.


Once I have that link, I can give it to you and Humble Bundle will ask you for an email address, so that they can created a personal downloads page for you. Once you get their email, you just have to go to that downloads page, click on the Steam Icon, log into Steam, give permission to accept the key from Humble Bundle, and then you just download the game from Steam.


I hope that makes sense to you.




Thanks to all of you for taking the time to leave a comment. I hope you all have a great week.


- JMJ 2014

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If you don't mind I've been meaning to try out Ace of Spades but never bothered to purchase it. Happy holidays to you, JMJ!

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