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So I got wind of a horrible situation - one of the classes that I was going to take next semester was canceled.


They told me two days before classes start.


Worse, I had an entire degree riding on that one class. And if I didn't get that class, I had good odds of being shoved back into programming again. That is, if I could even get into a programming class...or any class...


Instead of trying to deal with my parents, I rode down to the college today to get help. I talked with the person who told me the class was canceled, and she suggested an alternate class that could save my degree. Except that class is full, and the waitlists are closed. So now I have emailed the instructor of that class for the permission code. Hopefully he gets it for me out of the goodness of his heart and I can get into that class...somehow.


Otherwise, it will be a two-course semester for moi. Which would be beyond awesome - except if that eventuality happens, my parents will bite my head off.


Great. Can I smash something with a warhammer again?


*smashes Blade's shadow clone in Bionifight*


Thank You.

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Oh man, I had them cancel a class on me before. Luckily, it wasn't that important for my degree, but the rush to find a replacement course when everything has filled up is never any fun. :(


Good luck, I hope you're able to squeeze into that one course!



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My brother had this issue when he was in college, expect that there weren't any alternative courses, and he HAD to have that class. And they kept canceling it, too. Eventually he dropped out because he simply could not finish his degree: that class was keeping him held back, unable to graduate.

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Luckily mine hasn't pulled anything that bad. The worst they've done is decide the book I rented was going to be switched to the cheaper (I think that's college speak for more expensive) Digital version a week before class. Luckily I could return the rental for most of the money back. But yeah. I would be livid if they pulled that on me.

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He'd transferred from a small university down to a local community college, and at that point he was fed up with the whole thing. He already had a guaranteed job, the degree was more for the education to maybe one day take over the business.


I hope you have a lot better luck than he did! At least there is this alternative class.

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