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Quick Set Reviews: 2015 Bionicle







I've already mentioned my thoughts on him - he's a bit stiff and arthritic, and his model reflects his age. Might be disappointing for some kids who saw him do all the flips in his character video. Still, he's a tall and regal model, and reflects the traditional view of Tahu.




Pohatu fails on price-per-piece, but he makes up for that with sheer amazingness. The return of brown and the slick molded weapons are more than enough to justify the higher price. He has the same chest print as Tahu, only in a lighter shade of brown.


The finished model is also much more satisfying, being more poseable than Tahu. In fact, he is the most easily posable model of the bunch - his arms are a lot more flexible than the others.






While Pohatu is for the kid who wants to quickly assemble his model and make Pohatu fly around and poke his sister with the spear, Onua is a shamelessly complex build, suitable for the kid who likes building over roleplaying. If your idea of a fun build is squeezing Technic pins and axles into pin-and-axle holders, Onua is for you.



The sheer parts of this guy are better than the whole, though, so he's probably fated for dis-assembly.






Oh dang. I just wanted to look and look and look at this model. I know that sounds evil, but one can appreciate an amazing Lego gal. Get her in Battle Mode, and you will have to work to put her in a pose that doesn't make her look like a kick-butt female action hero.


I do have a couple of minor complaints - despite the two friction pins, her trident-holding arm is a little prone to settling. The shoulder armor can impede putting her arms over her head (which needs to happen for this swimmer) but you can rotate it down to her back to allow it. And the trans-blue shell on gray limb on both arms is kind of muddy - I'm not really that much of a fan.


And I'll admit, part of what makes this model so eye-popping is the 7-module shin bones. *whistles*


Protector of Jungle:


This is your average little green sniper boy, with crossbow. His mask was bigger than I expected, and the blaster was more powerful than I expected. The sheer amount of rare colors and cool pieces seal his fate as a MoCing parts pack, though.




He's swooshable, but I'm still not impressed. I didn't like this set much when I first saw it, and I'm still not really a fan. For the record, though, the bright green and the mask look a lot better in person. And the MoCing parts in this set are glorious - bright green and keetorange shells, recolor of Gali's trident thing, and more of those long 7-module leg bones in black. That, and some really weird Technic parts that I didn't know existed. It's a good one for the MoC table.


The model, however, is mostly lackluster. He looks ordinary, like he's the average one of the group. The mask kinda makes him look like an aviator, but the resemblance isn't quite there. It's almost as if the set is too symmetric. It lacks character.






Best instruction manual cover 2015.


Kopaka evokes a kind of bear look. Fortunately his mask is regal enough to make him look un-cuddly, and the spear helps too. Not sure what the leg-buff is all about, but I think it was supposed to make it look like Kopaka has snow-boots. The stickers are supposed to be like ski pants, I think.










And that's all for now. :)

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Looking at these pictures, I'm thinking the smaller toa got kinda lackluster color schemes. I wish they had gone with either silver or gunmetal on them. And I still wish they had stayed with the all black skeletons, they really do look cleaner.


Are Lewa's axe blades gunmetal? If they are, that doesn't make much sense, since Gali's are silver and it would've been nice to have those pieces in the gunmetal to keep a more consistent color scheme.

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Part of the "all black = cleaner" may be a photography illusion. I photographed a red Tahu on a red background, making the black stand out. Some of my funky lighting might have also played into that. The color scheme is actually one of the things that I like about the new Toa - I think they work well for the most part, with the possible exception of Onua. 


I think they are gunmetal. They are indeed a darker color than Gali's trident. I am not sure what you mean by the last paragraph, but I presume that you would like Gali's blade's to be gunmetal?

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The gray bones don't really bother me too much, but I wish that if Lego was going to make bones differently colored they'd go with a set-specific color rather than defaulting to gray...I wonder how Lewa would look if he had trans bright green bones instead of gray? Or perhaps even some keet bones on his legs. Might make him look more colorful...

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I guess I'll be the nitpicky guy who points out the Tr. Light Blue shell on one of Gali's arms is upside-down. :P


Overall, my favorite of the smaller Toa is Gali, and my favorite of the larger Toa is Onua. Granted, I don't have Tahu or Pohatu yet. The Protector of Jungle is my favorite of the Protectors.


I find Lewa anything but "average" (except, perhaps, in height). His lanky arms and legs and raised shoulders give him a sort of a simian appearance, which I think suits a jungle-dweller like him. I do notice that you have the axe blades on his arms upside-down — the pointed end should be facing his hands.

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I guess I'll be the nitpicky guy who points out the Tr. Light Blue shell on one of Gali's arms is upside-down. :P


That's actually how they are in the instruction booklet.


Edit: Oh wait I misread, you're right :P 

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