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The metaphor



The old professor of logic and reasoning walks into his classroom. It is late, and the students are assembled, waiting for class to begin. The bell rings, and the lecture begins.


[insert bones quote here] He drones on for a long time, writing on the old chalkboard in front of him. Time and time again he has done this.


"But this isn't so." one student says, raising an objection. Ah yes, but the old professor knows the student's problem. He must address this problem the student has, or he would not be a good professor, would he not? So he goes on to explain, his voice dipping low with care and concern.


And so it continues. The objections come hard and fast sometimes, or they might not come at all. But when they do come, the students wait for his insight. They listen to his words, because he has greater knowledge than they.


In the back of the classroom, there is a lonely student who sits there taking notes, and wonders why the other students don't do so as well.




In the same place...


A casual group of friends meet to talk about their favorite toy franchise's story. They sit around and swap theories and complaints, insights and just chatter. The old professor is there too. But he is in disguise in this place. He looks like a friend just like the rest of them do. But at any time, he can walk back into his lecture hall and begin again. He sees the desks, the chairs. He knows that he's talking with his students.


But when he stand up to speak, his students do not see the board that he's writing on, because they are in a park. They do not see the desks, because they are sitting on grass. They do not appreciate the words of the old professor, because they don't see him. They see a young man correcting people on logical errors in his arrogant presumption, writing on an imaginary chalkboard for an audiance of no one.


And so they laugh.

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This would be a really good parable if: S&T didn't take everything so seriously, people didn't hold bonesiii in such esteem around here, and bonesiii had indicated he has an academic education in or understanding of logic.

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[insert bones quote here]


And that's what I get for posting this too fast without proofreading. I intended to take that out. Oops. 


 people didn't hold bonesiii in such esteem around here, 

it's happening. 

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That's actually a good example of poor communication and how it can have negative impacts on a social level. I'm not sure how it works in other fields, but in foodservice two main issues that cause businesses to fail are location and poor management. I see both of these present here.


A professor outside of a classroom no longer represents the institution he is meant to represent. Likewise people don't go to a park with education as their primary priority. They go for recreation and to unwind.


Especially when one is on their free time, respect is not given, it is earned. Should the students be more open minded? Perhaps. Should the professor better communicate and represent himself instead of expecting people to listen right off the bat? Perhaps.


I'm honestly not sure if this was meant to deliver a clear-cut message, but maybe I missed it.

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