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Too... Much... Heat...

Doctor Norik


Well, it's that magical time once more, when the ground becomes all nice and moist, and the trees grow tall and green..... Also, the scorching heat that can incubate an average high-school like an oven. Yes, Summer (strictly speaking, it's still Spring.... But who cares?). And what would that mystical season be like without Air-Conditioning? Heck. Yessiree. That is why I have begun a petition to install new AC's in my school. Foolish? Yes. Stupid? Yes. Going to work? No.



But wait! What can persuade principles more than anything? You bet! Screen-names of people they've never met on a website they've never heard of! So, c'mon! And remember:


Posting is the equivelant of signing your name.




Do the math.


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Oh, we all know (and hate) what it's like to be in an oven. I don't want anyone at your school (including you) to go through that torture. I'll sign for your patition.



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