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G&T concepts 1/28/2015



Note that not every concept I've come up with will be posted here as I intend to keep some things secret for the time being.

The purpose of posting these is to either find a host for a game concept if I don't want to do it myself, or to see what the level of public interest would be if I were to consider hosting a game.





Inspired by the King roles of XVI and XX, this is a medieval themed game concept centered around the powerful King, who is being targeted by a cadre of Thieves. The wildcard Jester hides in the shadows of the King's court.

Public notepad if you want to read about the game

Private notepad if you're planning on hosting the game and want to see the secret role info



BIONICLE MAFIA: FEAR REMEMBERED (taken by Forgotten Warrior)

A game centered around the oft-neglected Piraka gang, this game takes place on an alternate version of Voya Nui. It also features Irnakk, somehow made into a real being, who has come to defeat the Piraka.

Public notepad if you want to read about the game

Private notepad if you're planning on hosting




This game was born from the desire to start a game themed around the G2 Bionicle universe. Similar to JiMing's lost Requiem game, the players consist of a multitude of Protectors with only three actual roles: Makuta (who possesses Protectors), Ekimu (who clones them), and the Lord of Skull Spiders (who does whatever he wants because he's a big freakin' spider that's what).

Public notepad only because there really isn't any secret information in this one




What if you didn't die when you died in Mafia? What if I worded the previous sentence far more eloquently? I got tired of dying quickly in games that seemed interesting, so I came up with a game concept that would give players a chance to avoid that issue. Similar to a Cult game, the Mafia begins very small but can grow as the game progresses.

Public notepad because there isn't secret info here either





If you are interested in hosting King's Ransom or Fear Remembered - interested enough to actually make plans to host it, not "oh this sounds neat maybe I'll do this some day" - send me a PM, and I can give you a password for either private notepad.

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I want to see "A King's Ransom" as a main series game, mostly because "A King's Ransom" is such a bada** title and deserves it.

(You have piqued my curiosity, and I might be interested)

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I honestly thought this was where you were posting all the current conecpts in the discussion topic. :P


I might be interested in the Piraka one in the near future. I'll keep thinking about it.

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