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Pahrak Model ZX


Thanks BZP, you gave me one helpful answer so that I could break the tie of responses I got from Tumblr. Tumblr was more helpful than you what the heck that's just wrong.


Anyway, I've begun work on The Time of the Mask Makers, a fanfic exploring the backstory and characters of Ekimu and Makuta. Again, it will almost certainly be rejected by future canon, but I'm going to try to keep it reasonably based in what we know from the winter wave of the story. I've actually got a lot worked out in my head already and am really excited to write it down, so I may be able to post it semi-regularly! That should help me feel productive for a month or two.


Tentatively I'm planning five parts, each focusing on a specific point in time: the creation of the Masks of Power; the creation of the Mask of Control; the creation of the Mask of Creation; the establishment of the status quo described in the lore video (Ekimu being more popular than Makuta and all that), along with some other miscellaneous set-up; and, finally, the creation of the Mask of Ultimate Power, and the fateful clash between Ekimu and Makuta.


Part one should be up real soon, so please look forward to it!


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