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Elves Joke



You know the new Lego Elves theme is aimed towards girls because when the main character gets lost... she asks for directions! Ba dump dump chshshshshshshsh!


(Wonder how many people will be offended by this. I mean I don't think it's offensive but it's about a gender stereotype and people seem to get easily offended by stuff like that.)


In other news, I have 5 of the 12 baseplates completed for the mosaic, plus one extra in case somebody else doesn't get theirs in on time. (I hope it would be just one somebody, my brick supply has dwindled and I don't think I can crank out any more.) Like 5 more are in the mail (presumably) and should be arriving soon, and the other two will be brought in, so I'm fairly certain they'll all make it.


Yeah, Bricks Cascade this weekend! Otherwise known as the rare weekend where I won't be online the entire time!



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I am so offended that I'm on my way to your place just to tell you off! I mean, I think there's an 82% chance that I'm actually headed in the wrong direction, BUT I WILL GET THERE EVENTUALLY IF I JUST DON'T WASTE TIME ASKING FOR HELP!!1!

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Interesting how this offense has immediatesly demanded physical violence for retribution.


Before you can get to my place, you must collect four magical keys, which will test your resolve, bravery, and willingness to look for silly things just to go and beat up somebody.



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HA joke's on you I have experience collecting seven Dragon Balls just to go and beat up somebody I'll see you in 50 episodes *crushes soda can on head and dons battle-ready football jersey*

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