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Gali Masters Mosaic: Final



This past weekend at Bricks Cascade, the collaborative Gali Masters Mosaic finally came together. (A little last minute too, with the ones being sent in arriving just in the nick of time and another one requiring some last minute updates.) I haven't got pictures for everything else yet, but time to present this mosaic in its full glory!




And it wouldn't be a BZPower mosaic without a group pict of all the builders. (Yes, ALL of them, even the ones that weren't physically there.)




From left to right: Trisha, Andrew*, Jason, Ben, Dan*, Riley.


Thanks again to everybody who contributed. And fret not if you weren't able to see this one; it's on the BZPower Convention MOC circuit, so it'll be showing up at a few east coast conventions, including BrickFair!




*photoshopped into pict :P

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This was great and we should do it again next year. Maybe...bigger? I don't know if the easels could take that, but I don't see any other reason why not. I'm also curious - is it my fault that this went on the convention circuit? I know I said something about wanting it to go on the circuit, and then said I was building a section anyway...and the next thing I knew it was out at BrickUniverse (which I ended up missing). I offered to take the blame for the lack of an appropriate easel at BrickFair New England, anyway (it fell over a few times).


I heard some public feedback about the design at BrickFair (VA) -  this kid was explaining to his mom, "that's one of the Bionicle characters, but it's name isn't BZPower". If we end up featuring one character like this again next year, we probably should try to squeeze the name in there...

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This was great and we should do it again next year. Maybe...bigger? I don't know if the easels could take that, but I don't see any other reason why not. I'm also curious - is it my fault that this went on the convention circuit? I know I said something about wanting it to go on the circuit, and then said I was building a section anyway...and the next thing I knew it was out at BrickUniverse (which I ended up missing). I offered to take the blame for the lack of an appropriate easel at BrickFair New England, anyway (it fell over a few times).


I heard some public feedback about the design at BrickFair (VA) -  this kid was explaining to his mom, "that's one of the Bionicle characters, but it's name isn't BZPower". If we end up featuring one character like this again next year, we probably should try to squeeze the name in there...

I guess technically you were the one who got the ball rolling. I asked the other folks who contributed at BricksCascade if they'd mind it going to the east coast conventions, and everybody else was for it, so I sent it to Andrew along with the rest of the BricksCascade MOCs. Plus, y'know, the more conventions this makes it to, the better. :D


For the size, this tied as the largest mosaic we've ever done at 12 baseplates. Most folks I know can only contribute a single baseplate, and I ended up providing 5 for this particular one. So while bigger would be better, I don't think our members can pick up that slack. (Unless you're offering to do it all yourself. :P ) Plus, as I guess you guys realized, even at this size its heavy enough to make standing difficult. I have two stands, and my larger one could probably support a 4x4... but most of my designs so far have been 3x3. (Baseplates = 32x32 studs).


The BZPower name was mostly to give credit to the members of the site who made it. It does take up significant space, but in this case I was filling in some empty space so it kind of worked out. I suppose we could work in the Toa's name maybe, or it might just be better to leave the names off entirely to avoid confusion. Or on a case-by-case basis... nobody really brought that up when I asked for comments about the design earlier. :P


I would like to do this again and I probably will. I helped CF and Nukaya for two BrickFair mosaics, then I've organized three other Bionicle mosaics at BrickCon, but this really is the first year I've organized one that went to multiple conventions. I probably won't design next year's until Jan / Feb or so, once we've seen some decent artwork to base our designs off. I was tempted to make a smaller Pohatu Master of Stone mosaic for BrickUniverse Dallas, but I wasn't going to make that a collaborative design, unless you want to join in on it. The plan for the Gali mosaic is that it'll go to BrickCon in October, where I can then hand off half the pieces to the members in attendance there, and then ship out the others. (Or take them with me to Dallas, as both you and Andrew will be there.)



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I should build more next year. I think I've got 4 green baseplates that I'm comfortable sending around, and most of them aren't in use right now. I could do much more, but I'm tempted to keep my shiny new LUGBulk pieces separate from the ones that get more use and abuse.


The name thing never occurred to me until I heard that kid mention it, but seemed obvious afterwards. It's something to watch for next time, I guess.


I'd be up for trying to do a new mosaic for Dallas. I think it's likely that I'll end up going even though the details are up in the air at this point.

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