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Appleloosa's Most Wanted



Well, it's been a while since we visited Appleloosa. I just hope they don't screw it up too badly. Though honestly, this is the first time I've actually been interested in seeing a new episode since.. Sometime around season three. So uh, anyway, onward!


I spy Braeburn


Wonder if there's going to be any AAAAPPELOOOSA


She's not the only one doing it, lol






This doesn't look like the Appleloosa we saw in season one


Wonder if we'll see those buffaloes?


I don't know why, but Braeburn seems like he would fit in the Borderlands world




"I've never even heard of a pony zip lining before"


His cutiemark is a horseshoe.. Doesn't that mean good luck or something?


Oh, an upside down horseshoe


He looks like a poorly created OC made with that ponymaker on dA


There's gonna be a jailbreak


I've never seen what's so funny about clowns


Okay, I totally missed the lesson/moral of this story. Maybe because I've been up since 5 AM and I'm tired, I dunno. Episode wasn't as good as I hoped, as expected. I enjoyed it more than last week's though, so I guess it gets maybe a 5.3

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The moral I got out of this episode was that if you can't accomplish your goal... lower your standards for success!


... Though I'm pretty sure that's not what I was supposed to get out of it. But, like, the horse's dream was to do rodeo and he got his cutie mark by doing rodeo. Not by screwing up and making people laugh. It'd be like if Sweetie Belle got her mark for singing but ended up as a stage hand.


This episode really confused me. It seems to go against everything the show has been saying about cutie marks.

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