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LEGO Movies and Animations



You know how some people complain about the G2 animations?


Thank goodness we didn't get mostly terrible 75-minute CGI movies. That would have been even worse. We'd either get totally robotic characters that resemble the sets a little too much or biomechanical characters that only vaguely resemble the sets, small insects somehow forming giant Wave One Red Coloured Sets, cringe-worthy lines, eyes magically changing colour to indicate alignment, and characters with more rocks in their head than a Po-Matoran of Stone. We might get halfway decent voice actors though...


You know, if this was Hero Factory, we'd know the plot of the entire year by the end of January.


...Completely unrelated, but did anyone else think that the Metru Nui years took place after the Mata Nui years until the end of 2004? Because I did, and I got really angry about Ahkmou being in MNOG II, claiming that, of course, he should not be there because he was on Metru Nui. I don't think I had realised the Toa Metru and Turaga were the same characters that point, I just thought they had the same names.


I once bought a Pohatu Nuva but I somehow managed to crack the torso in half within five minutes. I was 7.

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IMO I liked the movies where the characters more closely resembled the sets.


As for the G2 animations, the actual animation bits of it are incredibly well done, it's more of the short narrative / single voice actor that bothers me.



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I once bought a Pohatu Nuva but I somehow managed to crack the torso in half within five minutes. I was 7.

I didn't even know this was possible! I thought those huge Nuva torsos were indestructible chunks! And you were only seven? :o



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The way I see it, pitting one work against another just makes it harder to enjoy either as much. As it is, I can enjoy the occasionally inaccurate but well-voiced and thematically coherent Bionicle movies. I can enjoy the short but heartwarming Templar animations, or the Cryoshell-backed Bionicle commercials, or the narrated 2015 animations. I can enjoy the varied quality but cohesive narrative of the Bionicle books, or the comics, which rarely had a cohesive narrative but had excellent imagery and made sense with the context of the books. Pretty much the only Bionicle media I can't claim to enjoy (or have enjoyed in the past) would be the serials, which had all of the convoluted worldbuilding of the books and none of the heart... that, and the weirdness that is Free the Band.

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...How did people get 'Templar Animations' from '75 minute CGI movies'...?


I wasn't even talking about them, I was talking about the BIONICLE movies...

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But I loved the Bionicle movies. :(



The way I see it, pitting one work against another just makes it harder to enjoy either as much. As it is, I can enjoy the occasionally inaccurate but well-voiced and thematically coherent Bionicle movies. I can enjoy the short but heartwarming Templar animations, or the Cryoshell-backed Bionicle commercials, or the narrated 2015 animations. I can enjoy the varied quality but cohesive narrative of the Bionicle books, or the comics, which rarely had a cohesive narrative but had excellent imagery and made sense with the context of the books. Pretty much the only Bionicle media I can't claim to enjoy (or have enjoyed in the past) would be the serials, which had all of the convoluted worldbuilding of the books and none of the heart... that, and the weirdness that is Free the Band.

Swap the serials and the comics in that thing, and you have me just about. 


Although I would view the books more highly. 

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