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I was here first



This is actually the first blog I have ever had, with the exception of tumblr I guess. I only had it for a few months though, and that was like 5 years ago anyways. Does tumblr even count as a real blog? I don't think it does. It's definitely filled with people who think that they and their opinion "matters" but other than that it's all "art" and junk. Is a blog even real? No.


I don't think anyone is going to ever read this, which doesn't really matter. I just want a place to write out some of the things in my head that 1. aren't too incriminating and 2. so maybe one day I can read old stuff and rofl over how dumb I am. I am literally standing at a counter at work typing this on my bosses laptop. I had my own but it was rendered useless like 2 years ago. I got it when I started college in 2009; it was a requirement that you purchased a macbook. It was actually part of the first semester tuition. During orientation week, everyone went and got their laptop, and it came preloaded with all the appropriate programs and junk we would need for our adventure at music school. I went to Berklee College of Music, and I dropped out after three semesters. I started in January 2009 and I bailed by May 2010. That place succckkkedddd. I completely hated it, and hated myself the entire time I was there. I dropped out mainly to hang out with my friends and play in bands, which is ironic since I was at music school to theoretically learn to play in a band better, and then I just left to actually go play in bands with my friends. Weirdness.


That was weird. Back on track.....


I've been living with my girlfriend for the past year, and now we are moving back in to my parents house. We are going to take over the basement, and rule our lego kingdom from it. I have to be out of the apartment I'm currently in by the 31st, so it's crunch time. The whole thing is putting insane stress on me and my lady, which is to be expected I suppose. It still sucks. I wish moving was easier. I have all of my lego stuff moved in already, to my parents, and I have already started setting up my bonkles where I want them. Im going to be limited to pretty just my G2 figs and my favorites from G1. I had literally every lego set I own on display at my apartment, but there is not nearly as much room in my parents basement. That is honestly the biggest downside of this move to me. I loved having an army of bionicle stuff all over my place, along with star wars and ninjago and lego movie sets all over the place as well. Im going to try and keep some ninjago sets from this year built and on display, but we'll see how much room I really have after we're fully moved in.


This is dumb. To the zero people that read this, thanks? I guess?



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I did not realize there was actually an entire page on the site that showed blog posts.  Maybe people will read this.  OOPS.  

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I read everything.


Moving is the worst, moving with your significant other is harder and easier at the same time.

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Yes! Like it's nice having her there to pack while I'm at work, but a majority of our stuff is hers and we need to rent a storage unit now and everything can't be done easily.

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Yes! Like it's nice having her there to pack while I'm at work, but a majority of our stuff is hers and we need to rent a storage unit now and everything can't be done easily.

This is exactly how our move went. Most of the stuff is hers, as I moved across the country the first time and into her place. I did the storage rental stuff (which was pretty easy to be honest), and she did the rental truck stuff. It was nice to have both of us to move, for sure. Though we also roped in some friends to help us pack up our apartment.

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