Hey, folks. It’s been awhile since my last blog entry here, so I thought pop in and give a little recap on last month or so. Really there’s not a lot to talk about since for most part, last month was rather uneventful.
I mean I did go to Zelda Symphony last month and had a great time. But I don’t really have much to share about the event though, outside of a couple minor things (I didn’t throw up like at Pokemon Symphony 2014 or BrickFair VA 2015, so that’s good. And I burnt my tongue on some fries that day, so that wasn’t great as my tongue felt all weird for entire of symphony and I didn’t realize why till later. XD)
Outside of that though, I just have been back on the normal work routine, which thankfully has start to pick up last month. I don’t know if I mention this here, but work has been dreadfully slow during July & August after we made the change to the new work schedule (Due our chief customer [boeing] not giving us as much production orders, we had overtime hours cut, so our employer wouldn’t have to laid anyone off.).
So it feels like a good sign that things did start to pick up last month. Mind you, we are still on the “No Overtime” schedule and honestly I doubt that’s going to change anytime soon. Additionally I will admit I have been sending my resume out to places since I don’t want to be caught off guard, if they do have laid people off.
So yeah, that’s my work situation at the moment. I could probably ramble more about work here (Such as one of my co-workers being like the Saint of Food Giving… Honestly that co-worker might just be most generous person I have ever met.), but I doubt my ramblings about work will interest you folks.
Let’s move on to something else. Hm… What else did I do last month? Well, I played the awesome indie game, Undertale (So far I only got one of the neutral endings since I hadn’t done a second run yet.). Honestly I could gush over how much I like this game, but I am sure you folks have all heard that already from others here and elsewhere on the internet, so I’ll spare you.
I will say this though that I highly recommend checking it out (If you on the fence about it, you should give the demo a look.) and well, if anyone on my Steam’s friends list wants the game, be sure to let me know and I might just sent you a copy of the game.
Besides playing Undertale, I also started playing Mass Effect 1 (for first time) since by some stroke of luck; my computer “magically” is able to run after I had finished my first playthrough of Undertale.
Just to clarified, my previous attempts to play Mass Effect 1 always result in the game minimizing itself, so I don’t think my computer really couldn’t run it per say. But I certainly don’t know why it did that before or why it works now. (I have a similar issue with Knights of the Old Republic game, which kind of why I still hadn't beat that game. That and well, I am not a fan of the combat in that game. *shrugs*) It’s a mystery.
But anyway, my Mass Effect character is named Jamie Shepard (I named her after my Undertale character).
She’s an Engineer class soldier and her backstory is spacer and war hero. Although in hindsight, I think I should made her a “Lone Survivor” since I am pretty terrible at the controls in this game (I wish this game had controller support. XD), so occasionally my squad member dies and I have to reload my last save (This game definitely has got me in the habit of saving often like I do in Pokemon games. XD).
Garrus and Wrex are so far my favorite squad members (I have brought Wrex with me on almost 100% of side missions that I have done so far).
I am currently at the point where you are give free roam of galaxy for first time. So yeah, I am not too far really.
I mostly just been doing side quests since well, I want to explore the galaxy before I continue the main story stuff. And man, there are a lot of side quests and so many stories to collect about planets and stuff (I really love world building in this game.).
Oh, and here are my Shepard’s current stats and stuff.
XD Yeah, I know I am probably investing my points in all the wrong things. Like I probably should put more points into First Aid and Pistols (Especially since that’s only gun that I am trained in since I am an Engineer class.).
Alright, I rambled enough about last month. I am sure there are things that I forgot to mention in this entry, but I feel like I have kept you folks here long enough.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a good day. Talk to you later, BZPers.
- JMJ 2015
PS - Just remember I forgot to mention something here... I started watching Gravity Falls & Steven Universe last month as well. I must say I see why people like these shows as I am now pretty hooked on seeing what happens next in both of them. XD
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