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ToM Dracone




My Bionicle folder now has more than thirty thousand views. That's quite a lot. I guess... um... thanks to everyone who viewed it? I should have some new MOCs up soon... I hope...


Also, we are now translating an invisibility spell from a medieval spellbook in Latin. It begins by effectively saying that not many people know how to become invisible. And then it has all sorts of strange requirements – it has to be on a Wednesday, the moon must be waxing, you must have recently cut your hair and beard...


This is awesome. I defy anyone to find a more interesting Latin teacher than Dr. Jones. :happydance:


Oh, I forgot to mention it, but yesterday during ninth period a bunch of my class went out and ran through the sprinkler. It was amazingly fun. I want to do it again!

~ ToM


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Heh, funny how in this situation people get excited by having more views.


I wanna know a spell like that! That is SO awesome... It are like, HP IRL!


Sprinklers are always fun on a hot day. =D

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Hee, that's great to hear! :D And... I'd dare to try that spell, but how do I wax the moon? Maybe the moon becomes shiny due to car-wax?


And running through the sprinkler! Fun-ness!



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I wonder how many views my folder would have if I had the MOCs segregated into one folder, instead of all of them in separate ones on the front page....




Congrats, though. I do so love your MOCs. So, so much.

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