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The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD - Year in Gaming Part 8



This title I may not have started this year (I actually started it when I got my WiiU in July of 2014... and then promptly forgot about it), but I played the bulk of and finished the game during it.


The Wind Waker is only my third time experiencing the Legend of Zelda series. To say it was different from the others I've played would be quite the understatement.


As far as gameplay is concerned, no it wasn't all that unfamiliar. Besides navigation, which honestly became quite laborious. I think it's one of the reasons I stopped playing it for so long; I had just gotten disinterested in sailing around what seemed to be a fairly empty sea. I did get used to it and found some fun in it upon revisiting. Man, that fetch quest at the end where you have to just sail to random places was just not that great though.


What makes Wind Waker stand out is of course its art style. I rather liked it. Definitely different, but not in a bad way. This was a brighter world than the last Zelda title I played, and there was just something about the character designs I found endearing.


Also, Tetra was pretty cool.


I do want to delve into this series more, and this HD remake made that pretty easy. So if you're like me, have a WiiU and haven't played this before, it's totally worth it (even if I did get it for free heh).




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What are your other two Zelda experiences?

Just Skyward Sword and Ocarina of Time at the moment. Really been meaning to get Majora's Mask, but... lazy.


The ending just makes that game for me. Definately my favorite.

It is rather nice, and a little uplifting. A good note to end on.
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What are your other two Zelda experiences?

Just Skyward Sword and Ocarina of Time at the moment. Really been meaning to get Majora's Mask, but... lazy.


The ending just makes that game for me. Definately my favorite.

It is rather nice, and a little uplifting. A good note to end on.


I can definitely recommend Majora's Mask 3D. I had been a little iffy about it before it was released (since I don't tend to like time limits), but honestly the game is not too hard, and ultimately I probably liked it more than Ocarina of Time thanks to density of content within the game world.


Still need to beat Wind Waker HD... but my completionist tendencies, combined with the large number of collectibles and the frustratingly long pictograph hunt, have basically put that on hold.

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What are your other two Zelda experiences?

Just Skyward Sword and Ocarina of Time at the moment. Really been meaning to get Majora's Mask, but... lazy.

Majora's Mask is excellent. I personally recommend the original, if only because the boss fights are better (yes, Gyorg is frustrating, but the remake sucked out the fun of the other bosses, with the exception of the final boss). Other than that, I would recommend the remake.


Still need to beat Wind Waker HD... but my completionist tendencies, combined with the large number of collectibles and the frustratingly long pictograph hunt, have basically put that on hold.

The pictograph quest is so much faster in the remake (12 image capacity, and Carlov takes multiple pictographs in one go for figurines). Compared to the quest in the original, it's a snap.



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I can definitely recommend Majora's Mask 3D. I had been a little iffy about it before it was released (since I don't tend to like time limits), but honestly the game is not too hard, and ultimately I probably liked it more than Ocarina of Time thanks to density of content within the game world.


Still need to beat Wind Waker HD... but my completionist tendencies, combined with the large number of collectibles and the frustratingly long pictograph hunt, have basically put that on hold.

It's on my limited Christmas list my family still requests, so maybe this time next week I will have it. :)


I just looked it up and apparently I didn't even bother collecting everything. Thought I had, huh.. But that's probably from just how much I started to dislike the sailing. Once I got faster sails and could do a little fighting, there were brief moments of fun, but still I just fast travelled to do as little sailing as possible and likely missed stuff.

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Majora's Mask is excellent. I personally recommend the original, if only because the boss fights are better (yes, Gyorg is frustrating, but the remake sucked out the fun of the other bosses, with the exception of the final boss). Other than that, I would recommend the remake.

It's very likely I'll just get the remake, but nonetheless you have me intrigued. What do you mean when you say they ruined the bosses?
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