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December 31st, 2015.



In less than 24 hours (well, where I am, anyway), it will be 2016. Not just any 2016, the year 2016. The year that comes after 2015, if you're bad at counting. Or maybe before, if you're time travelling backwards in time. Or maybe things will go wrong very badly and we'll skip straight to 2017. Now that'd be weird.


I wonder how 2015 will end. Probably the same as any other year. But let's hope 2015 doesn't end by the year gaining sentience and declaring war on the passage of time because it wants to be the year forever. I'm bad at jokes. Puns? Still bad, but bad puns are more forgiveable than bad jokes, right? I was going to make a pun. Then I found it hard to make a pun involving the number 2015.


This entry is now going to go on about almost completely unrelated things.


Looks like the Masters are on their way out and the Uniters are on their way in. Also, Uniters apparently isn't a word, and Pohatu no longer hates scorpios. Maybe he hates all astrology instead of just Scorpios now? You know what? Let's ask you BIONICLE 2016 related questions.


1. If you saw a phoenix whose wings were constantly on fire, would you fuse with it?

2. If you saw a shark with dual gatling guns, would you fuse with it?

3. If you saw a... jungle bug thing that might be a mosquito or a wasp or a bee... would you fuse with it?

4. If you saw a mole with huge claws, would you fuse with it?

5. If you saw a scorpion, would you fuse with it?

6. If you saw... a... whatever a Melum is... would you fuse with it?

7. If you were a creature, would you allow a big, lumbering, gold or silver thing to fuse with you?

8. If you were Umarak, how would you be ridiculously evil?


Right, that's all of them.

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I'd wait for the gatling shark


No, Gatling shark

No, Gatling shark

No, Gatling shark, close second though

No, Gatling shark

Only Pridak could fuse with me

Hunt all the creatures except gatling sharks to extinction. I wouldn't want to pick a fight with OMEGA PRIDAK

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