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Massive Amounts Of Luck (and Skill)



Well, today was a VERY good day. ^_^


For one thing I missed Latin, Gym, Math, and English. And the rest of the entire day of school.


Why? Because I went to observe the NJ Chemistry Olympics hosted on the beautiful campus of the New Jersey Institute of Technology, or NJIT. People have called it the "MIT of New Jersey." My response to that is: "NO DUH."


Anyway, this year I'm in Honors Chem, and only AP Chem students can compete, but I was invited to come as a guest since I'd be taking AP Chem next year.


Aside from the massive amounts of pollen in the air, it was pretty great. The Chem Olympics are really very interesting. They got a webpage design category, chemical engineering thing, several things that guests couldn't watch, which was unfortunate, and the demo labs, which were highly entertaining. This year (at least, I don't know if it's always like this) part of the theme was that the presenters had to sing what was happening in their lab. Lots of very funny presentations as a result.


"And the mercury... precipitaaaaates... out of soluuuuuuuuuuution..."


XD yeah, something like that. Watched a lot of those.


And to top off the day, we won! :happydance: That was so awesome. That makes two years in a row now for our school, and darned if next year I won't be there pushing for a third.


Also, when we got back and were waiting for the late bus, BANG. Cue thunder, the sky is suddenly overcast. Biiiig storm looks to be rolling in. Already starting to drizzle.


I manage to make it all the way home, earlier than usual for the late bus (We usually make it to my development something like 4:40, but today it was 4:22!) and barely ten minutes after getting inside the lights flicker as apparently lightning strikes somewhere, and there is such a freaking loud boom of thunder that, I'm not kidding, the house shook. I just escaped the storm. THAT is lucky.


And the BBC voting ought be up soon. Hopefully in a timely fashion. Uh, please votes for me? =D


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No, see, MIT is the Minnesota Institute of Typing.


... all your comments greatly flatter me.


Yes OMG I find SCIENCE interesting. No wai.

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I don't believe in luck. I do, however, believe that you travelled back in time and altered the past to prevent all of those things from effecting you.


I'm a tad too in to Sci-Fi, aren't I?

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