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Standardized Testing Once More...



It's raining out right now, and we've been getting lots of lightning and thunder. Awesome, I really like that sort of weather except for when the power goes out.


Anyways, today we had the first of two Math MCAS standardized testing sessions. Next week we have History MCAS. Had the first four periods to do them. I worked on them all for a while and took my sweet time, being that I wanted to stay careful. Some questions were tough, but of course that's why there are mathematical procedures. After I finished, I read Watchmen (I like rereading graphic novels and comic books a number of times immediately after getting them), and went to lunch later on.


I then had Drama, and we played this game where one person threw an imaginary knife at somebody, and they had to catch it between their hands and send it to somebody else or else they were dead, and that person had to do the same, and so on. It took a long time for me to die. And then we played a game called 'Park Bench', where one person is a normal person who gets hassled by a crazy person, and the crazy person's job is to drive the normal person away from the bench. I enjoyed playing the crazy person, I got to go twice. I played a deranged geezer who was ranting insanely first, and then a wacked-out junkie with a hangover, and succeeded in my goal in both cases. I also played a normal person... Not as fun.


In Phys Ed, I had to run a lap and then I went on to do the Long Jump, and I scored fairly well. The lap around the track made me lose my breath and my lungs, though.


Then French class. We all wrote cards for this kid named Shane who has leukemia and wants to break the world record for the amount of birthday cards sent. It was interesting doing this, about the whole school did it, it was brought up at lunch by the student council. Then we did some stuff about the next chapter of our textbook.



Now I'm here writing this after dinner, and I watched an episode of the Simpsons a while ago... Heheh... One of the best quotes from that show of all time is "Bonjjjjjjour, ye cheese eatin' surrender monkeys," from Willy the Scottish janitor and groundskeeper.

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