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me, coming up with a self-moc: how can i properly express my identity problems and other mental illnesses and the fact that i tie all my self-worth to my hands and what im able to do with them

brain: give her claws and a messed up bird monster face





[x] [x]

shes a very anxious and paranoid character with a slew of mental issues that stem from decades of abuse and neglect. shes mostly hides in her cave and only comes out at night to eat food set out by villagers for her. she does not like bright lights or loud and/or sudden noises or confrontations. she does like when the villagers who do happen to see her at night are kind and gentle with her and understand her various ailments that make her act the way she does.


thats all i have. bye

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Recommended Comments

This is really awesome. And very unique—so often the default for Bionicle MOCs is "superpowered warrior", so even when you get different body types, they tend to convey a sense of strength and confidence—this is kind of the opposite, with an exceptionally vulnerable and emotive look. And it works.


Also, I really need to get me some of them trans-purple Bohrok eyes.

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This is amazing! I wish I could come up with a way to express myself this well in a self-MOC. I've tried to make self-MOCs before but I've never come up with one I'm really happy with at all, since I never feel like they really capture who I am and what makes me unique. Yours, on the other hand, is unique, expressive, and feels like she has a real story to tell that is all her own. I wonder if she is as creatively skilled as you are!

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My first thought on seeing the title was that it'd be Alphys, and it's definitely got some similarities, what with the head-spikes, claws, and pose.  I love it.

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This is really awesome. And very unique—so often the default for Bionicle MOCs is "superpowered warrior", so even when you get different body types, they tend to convey a sense of strength and confidence—this is kind of the opposite, with an exceptionally vulnerable and emotive look. And it works.


Also, I really need to get me some of them trans-purple Bohrok eyes.


to be honest? that was what i was originally going to use the body for, was just kinda some powerful and confident oc, but then i was like. nah i dont want that ... i figured i might as well turn it into a self-moc, since im also a Large Person and associate myself with these colours a lot, and am pretty much the way i described my character. shes literally a self-insert, word for word


also, good luck with that :x it took me ages to get these because most bricklink vendors only have like one or two at a time, and theres never too many listed to begin with


This is amazing! I wish I could come up with a way to express myself this well in a self-MOC. I've tried to make self-MOCs before but I've never come up with one I'm really happy with at all, since I never feel like they really capture who I am and what makes me unique. Yours, on the other hand, is unique, expressive, and feels like she has a real story to tell that is all her own. I wonder if she is as creatively skilled as you are!


she tries to be creative, but shes a bit uncoordinated at times and is fairly scatterbrained, so she rarely manages to maintain the focus to start a project. when she does start one, she usually loses interest about halfway through. which i guess does make her about as skilled as me ... u hit the nail on the head there.


(ive been thinking a lot about you two with these replies and they mean So Much to me omg tysm xoxo)



I love how simple yet effective her hands are, especially in the worrying pose you have her in.

ahh dont be fooled lad, they look nice but theyre actually a real devil to actually pose. ive had my right hand explode on my at least three times taking other pics


My first thought on seeing the title was that it'd be Alphys, and it's definitely got some similarities, what with the head-spikes, claws, and pose.  I love it.


OKAY HONESTLY if i could i absolutely WOULD have made her look more like alphys ... but alas i have like three keetorange ccbs pieces, and gold would have been kinda gaudy, and idk how i would have pulled off the labcoat look anyway

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