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Yes, that does include weekends, but still... :happydance:


What's even cooler is that, once I get this stuff done, I will have all my core curriculum finished, so techinically I can go to college. I won't be (yet), but it'll be nice not to have to do English, Math, Science, or Social Studies until I do enter insaneland college. :P




For those of you that would care to keep me in your thoughts:

I need a job. BADLY. And nobody's called me in for an interview at anything I've applied for. ;;


*sits in a corner and broods*




Oh, and for those that are keeping track of PT...


What is it with me and stupid backgrounds? ><




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So you're probably leaving for collage by 17? Lucky you, I'm still a months behind in math, and I have Geomatry in 10th grade. *Shudders* And worse of all I don't get a summer break. ><

/Ends rant


Sorry about you can't finding a job, I'm probably just going to either ask my dad to give me some work, though there is a chance for me to find a summer job, but meh, my berfday is coming up soon so I'm not to worried about money.


Omgsh, but I love your 'stupid' backgrounds. =O And I saw that pic awhile back, Kopaka looks hawt there. =D

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*squeals* YOU DID KOPAKA :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:


Don't worry you will get a job, people could just be waiting till school is officially over to call you so you can start ASAP. Or a position isn't open till people get off in the summer time, or something or other. Just keep your chin up, prayers high, with a Spirit smile on your face and Nothing can stop you.


*Scurries* must get assignments done.


P.S. Check out my post in said ' stupid backgrounds' topic

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Lucky you I've got over a month of school left :( . Though one week of that is spent on a trip to Germany! :)



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So you're probably leaving for collage by 17?




I'm probably just going to either ask my dad to give me some work, though there is a chance for me to find a summer job, but meh, my berfday is coming up soon so I'm not to worried about money.


I wish I could work for my dad. He has a fun job. ;;


Go to college!




I want to! But I can't right now!


Yeah, my parents both graduated when they were 16/17, and they said they wern't ready for college, so I'm gonna stay at home one more year, do a couple electives, go to community college, raise money, stuff like that. :P


*squeals* YOU DID KOPAKA :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:




Don't worry you will get a job, people could just be waiting till school is officially over to call you so you can start ASAP. Or a position isn't open till people get off in the summer time, or something or other.


I know. That's how it was back during Thanksgiving/Christmas - they had a ton of openings for the holiday rush.


I just took too long to submit my application, so... yeah. But I will keep trying, cause I need the money.



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Yeah aking a break is sometimes a good idea between high school and college. Gives you time to raise money (job, charity, begging, etc).



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Niki likes begging. Begging is fun.




Begging is such a low word... I prefer advertising yourself as a worthy investment of people’s money (you sell that correct there is no telling how much money people will give). Just present yourself, deliver a well scripted presentation, and Money will come your way.

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I was just kidding, Ithranna. :P I plan to be well-put together whenever I get around to an interview.



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Sitting in corners almost never solves anything.


Yay! Reinforce the stereotype that everyone in College just parties all night long! You can do it!




Good luck with jobs!

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