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Lemon Club Challenge 2



The Second Lemon Club Challenge has begun! This time, your challenge is...


write EITHER a poem OR a short story relating to Lemons.


They can be as serious or as bizarre as you like. However, they must be a minimum of 111 words. There is no maximum. Entries will stop being accepted sometime around June 8th. Please post your entries in this entry, or link to them in some way.


I shall be judging, possibly assisted by Bundalings or Aanchir, depending on whether they decide to enter or not.


Only members of the Lemon Club can enter, so if you haven't joined, why not go and do it now!


Let the writing begin!


UPDATE: The word minimum is decreased to only 111 words, and the deadline extended by a week.




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One day, a boy walked into a store. Then, for no apparent reason, he turned into a lemon. Simple as that. That boy/lemon was me. Yeah. Weird, I know. Imagine how I felt. I probably shouldn't have messed with Typhlok the Annoyer. I mean, he is the handsomest, awesomest, most lemony Toa of 'em all. Who was I to say, "Hey, Typhlok." I should have said, "Greetings, oh great Toa of Lemons." But enough of that. Here I am, sitting in the fruit section in a grocery store. I'm kind of bored, waiting for someone to come and buy then eat me 'cause I'm a lemon and all, so I made a poem:


I am just a sour lemon that's yellow


Just chilling out here and bein' all mellow


Waiting for someone to come and go eat me


Or maybe just put me 'round somewhere to let be


The flies that buzz around are really annoying


With rhymes and my thoughts in my mind I am toying


Just being a lemon boy!!


You could sing it if you want. Heck, I don't care, I'm just a sour lemon!! Hmmm...I think I need some lemon-aid...


~Typhlok the ANNOYer~

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Lemon love

Like a dove

Flying high

In the sky


Held by a Peacock

(Oh wondrous peacock)

Oh great great peacock

The tail is as wondrous as a lemon

(Oh great great lemon)

Their tail with feathers as much as 10

It’s a way to get a date for them

(A way to find who to mate right then)

Lemons are like peacock GWEN!


Their shells attract mates

Get them to go on dates

And spread the seeds

(Let’s hope farmer jack don’t think they’re weeds!)


The weeds, they are very BAAAAAAD.

Let’s hope farmer jack ain’t MAAAAAD!

The big daddy

The moss

The worst

Of the cross

It eats the lemon tree bits by bits

NOOOOOOOO! Not the lemon tree, Not that you twits!


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Yay! Seven entries! I entered this time, though I don't stand a chance after reading all the others. At least I have a story AND a poem. Yay! Double thingie!! *starts doing the robot*






Don't underestimate the power of lemons...


~Typhlok the ANNOYer~

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The robot?


It's a funkeh dance. I really can't explain without demonstrating, but there's no way they can make me do that! NEVAH!


- :vahi:

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Lots of people are noticing the robot in my post. But then again, it is pretty freaking awesome. As am I, of course. :usa:


~Typhlok the ANNOYer~ ;)

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sorry but I wont be able to finish my story, I was piled with homework and three tests.


That's too bad. Of course, we'll probably have many more LCCs, so this certainly isn't your last chance! :D


- :vahi:


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