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So I guess I've been fairly inactive. I can blame a bunch of it on work, but also that some of my free time has been going elsewhere, specifically into this game called Ingress.


My roommate is a fan of the game. (Like, y'know how I'm obsessed with Lego. He's at that kind of obsession level with this game.) It's a game on your phone where you go around and "hack" these "portals" that are tied to specific locations, usually pieces of art or something. It's an excuse to travel around and go on long walks (although it's totally making you the stereotypical millennial who's constantly looking down at their phone.) There are metals to win based on how many places you visit and hacks you make, and then there's also a competition between two teams in the game. (I'm on the green Enlightened team.) It also has these missions you can do where you follow a certain order of portals, and then you get this small picture icon in your profile, and some missions allow you to make a mosaic of a larger picture... anyway, it's kind of cool. And it's motivating me to go on more trips around the local area, and perhaps go to other cities and hack their portals. And there's leveling up, some of which gets you better equipment, but I'm now at the point where it's mostly prestige. (I've level 9. There are 16 in total, but they get exponentially harder to reach as they go...)


Anyway, it's been a fun game, although some of the players can be fairly weird and overly dedicated to this. (And a few who are kind of rude... I guess you get that in every fan base.) But yeah, that's what I've been putting my free time into. Gives me incentive to travel to new cities for Lego conventions, just to get more unique hacks. B-)



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Ooh, let me know if you're ever interested, I can get credit for "recruiting" you.


It's kind of a nice thing for me to do when I take public transit into work.  But that only works if somebody else is driving, and if your public transportation is above ground.  (And it is a big data and power hog.)



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I had a ton of fun with Ingress myself, and living in a dense area meant I'd sometimes take the long route home just to hack as many portals as I could and steal portals from my neighbors, but it absolutely drained my data usage and I had to give it up for the greater good.

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