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National Anger Day



I say it's National Anger Day, so go give people you don't like a piece of your mind, from the hostile section of it. Yeah, that's an order... *hisses* Go be mean to the guy who cut you in line at the coffee place last week. Talk smack about the mom of the person who always breaks into your locker and steals your favorite snack from your lunch. Push that arrogant guy who never shuts up and never gets punished by teachers for being a bully to the side. Tell the chatty, superficial girl who sits behind you in Math to shut up. Assert your hostility and your wish for your day not to be ruined by an irritating or dumb person just once... Political correctness be blasted like it was a target at an NRA meeting. Let out all your irritation and aggression and channel it into verbal rage at your antagonists. I reserve the right to be angry at the sensibility impaired.




*phew* Man I needed to get that out of my system. Don't you just hate when you're told to sit and endure it when you're suffering from some bullying punk ruining everything? And don't you just wish you could lash out at all the people who've crossed you? I believe everybody here shares those sentiments... Unless you're the type of person who doesn't read my blog because you're the type of person I dislike heavily, then you won't know what I'm talking about and you'll just go give somebody like me a reason to wish they could do what I talked about in the third sentence. Not in a violent way, just in a 'I'm sick of it, [insert insult here], so quit it or you'll get more of this' way.


*After a long break*


I just went to a great restaurant in town, and now I'm going to our annual town fair, called Clown Town. It's fun- Great rides, and of course candy. Smee. I love the ride called 'The Sizzler', it's so thrilling but actually safe- Especially after it was repaired and all and more after a guy was killed riding a ride like that a few years ago.


*after another break* Wow, Clown Town was fun. I rode the Sizzler around four times, and it was great. It was rainy and wet, but I came prepared and insulated, so I wasn't very uncomfy. My mom gave me a bunch of money to buy tickets for the rides and stuff, and her cell phone to call her when I wanted to be picked up. I meandered around between rides on the Sizzler, and there weren't too many people there. I played a game but didn't win a prize, got a snack, and hung out with a classmate and some friends of his from somewhere other than our school.


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