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The Storage Dilemma

Iruini Nuva


Top shelf of the closet in my office. Surely I'm not the only one.




Anyone have any decent solutions? Gen 2 boxes break down great, but I hesitate to break these down on account of the glue. They're pretty densely filled with smaller boxes anyway--so this is fairly efficient.


I've thought about moving the canisters up to the attic. How well do they hold up outside of a climate-controlled environment?


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I don't have many of the boxes, but those I have are packed with instructions usually. Canisters should be fine. They might collect bugs.

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I have never in my life kept a box around. Where I live is so danged humid that they just attract bugs.
Canisters make for great display items if you have a spare shelf or three, and they should be fine in an attic environment.

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Canisters hold up fine in not-climate controlled. 




Why are you hoarding boxes?

The "collection" aspect of it (as opposed to a "hobby"). That's part of what I'm trying to [rationally] assess now.


I'm probably...75-ish% complete on G1, so it's in [what I think is] a gray area where it's a serious-enough collection that there's value in keeping the box/manual/bricks trifecta (as opposed to the usual missing-box on eBay).


At the same time, calling it a collection requires a certain amount of care, respect and curation (i.e. not a hoard). I've done that on a certain scale (custom-framed posters, carefully staged models, etc.). This is the dark corner. :P

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:kaukau: I don't have any solutions for you.  I just wanted to point out that I'm jealous that you have Rahi.  Maybe someday I will get myself some.



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:kaukau: I don't have any solutions for you.  I just wanted to point out that I'm jealous that you have Rahi.  Maybe someday I will get myself some.



Haha, easily amongst my favorite sets. I basically pick a Rahi up every 5 years. Got Muaka & Kane-Ra back in...01 or 02. Picked up the Tarakava from either BZP or eBay in the mid-late 00s. Nui Jaga were either a birthday or a Christmas present this past year.

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