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Achievement Unlocked?



So I've started, according to my estimation, four epics in my time on BZP. The first was this atrocious monstrosity of a story that lasted all of about three chapters and was fortunately deleted. The second was an actual attempt at a legitimate story that I started when I hit 10,000 posts. It was called Annus Mirabilis, and though the concept was (and still is, I think) quite interesting, I didn't have enough of a story planned out to make it work. The third attempt was a gritty Hero Factory reboot where the characters were a set of human vigilantes, like if the Avengers were made up of Iron Men. This too fell through because I didn't do enough planning, although it too is a concept to which I would like to return.


So as you can see, one of my long-term goals was to finish an epic, and after the conclusion of the four-part Adventures of Sumiki's Dad saga in Comedies, that was the one BZP goal left that I was entirely under my control. So I made sure I sketched out every chapter in detail before writing the story proper.


Just a few minutes ago, I posted the epilogue to the epic Where Words and Steps No Longer Hasten. If you've not read it and would be interested in a G1 story exploring ethics, destiny, and Matoran free will in an all-encompassing mystery, I'd encourage you to check it out.


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I'm glad I pulled a Netflix and waited until the end to bINGE ON THE WHOLE THING

(but also super amazing hearty congrats, friend! to chart your progress in different forms and produce this leaves us excited to see what else is yet to come on your end :) )

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