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Voltron: Legendary Defender



(Vague, general plot spoilers I guess? Not gonna bother with tags.)


Just finished watching what there is of it.


It… didn't really grab me.


Maybe the premise is too grandiose or something (villain rules half the universe but this one robot thing can stop them!) but it feels like there should be a great show in it that I'm just not seeing.


I mean I have specific likes and dislikes, which I guess I can get into.


The only characters I really like are Pidge and Hunk, given that Pidge is the techie and has some well-rounded motivations and Hunk is the heart of the team and generally entertaining while also being intelligent. On the other hand, Lance and Keith seem like the Tahu and Kopaka of the team, in that they're mostly there to argue with each other and be the reason the lessons in friendship need to happen and otherwise they seem pretty flat.


I love a transforming mecha as much as the next guy but the apparent mass-shifting kinda puts me off a bit. Also the transformation sequence is way too drawn out and not very well laid out. It looks like it was designed to hide key aspects of the transformation rather than highlight them, given how the camera moves and zooms in absurdly close on the lions then suddenly they're legs.


Also, I think the lions look kinda dumb when they're fighting. They'd probably look fine on the ground, but flying through the air just doesn't look right to me. Like their bodies look too bulky but have these little legs trailing behind them. And when they hold those tiny blades in their mouth it just seems like an inefficient way to attack.


The voice acting and many of the sound effects are pretty great. Not much more to say on that.


I also liked the humor and the continuity of the humor.


Finally I think my thoughts on the theme song basically summarize my thoughts on the rest of it. It's almost great. I want to like it. It has a pretty catchy tune. But the entire thing sounds like the intro to a song. Like it's building up and at any moment the rest of the instruments are going to come in and deliver the big triumphant punch. But then that never happens and it just sort of feels a bit hollow.


I dunno, will probably check out the next wave of episodes but overall I can't really say I'm feeling it that much, and that makes me sad.


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