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What just happened to Tom Hanks?

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: I just watched the Carly Rae Jepson video for "I Really Like You". Like all of her other songs, it's incredibly cheesy. Except for this one, she snagged Tom Hanks to star in her music video. How did that happen?




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No one's saying he's not allowed to do it, just that writing a blog entry took more effort and, in an immediate sense, gained him less than Googling would have done.


The entry could have been more interesting if he'd had the thought, Googled the question, and then written something about it in the context of further knowledge of why it happened. Something about the insights into Tom Hanks's sense of humor, or hey wow that time he almost obliterated a hummingbird with a broom.


As it is, Kraggh blogged a question, Scythey answered it. We should probably be thanking her for dumping chilly knowledge straight into our brain-pans.

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