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Hottest/Cutest/GenerallyMostAttractive Accent

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: People seem to have a thing for accents. Especially the French accent. Why is it that the French accent is considered the most alluring and romantic accent anyway? I don't see it. Sorry French people, I just don't buy into the hype.


I'll tell you where it's at. I made a joke about Canadians and their accents recently, but I legit love the Canadian accent. It's especially sexy when it comes from an ENFP. I also really like the Irish accent. You combine the two, and you get Colm Wilkinson, who is Irish-Canadian. It's no coincidence that he's the sexiest man alive (That's my opinion and it should be yours too. If you disagree with me, you should be ashamed of yourself.).


I have a Midwestern accent, though, and it's always nice to talk to a fellow Midwesterner, especially if they're ESTJ. Long live the ESTJs, the most superior personality type.


Anyway, what accents do you find hot/cute/generallyreallyattractive?





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Do you have an example of this Canadian accent you find so attractive?  In my experience, Canadian speakers are either very similar General American in the cities or very similar to Midwestern when you go a bit more rural.

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:kaukau: The Canadian accent that I'm thinking of comes from my friends, who mostly come from BC and Manitoba.  At first I didn't realize that they had accents, and I just thought that there was something about their voices that sounded "eccentric."  Most of them were artistically inclined, so it made sense to think that.  I only really noticed with my most recent Canadian friend from Manitoba.  Anyway, as best as I can describe it, the accent that I'm thinking of is a bit of a cross between a Midwestern accent and a very subtle Irish accent, so...it's the perfect accent for me.



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:kaukau: Where's that from?


(I read that in a Valley Girl accent, btw.  I don't know if that's the right accent, but that's what I'm assuming until I get an answer.)



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Canadians definitely have an accent: when I last visited America, I noticed that my vowels were a bit "stretched out" compared to how my friends were talking (i.e. my "about" is a little closer to "aboat"). The farther east you go, the stronger it gets.


Western Canadians have a less distinctive accent. I live on the west coast, and while my Canadian accent becomes more pronounced when I'm tired or excited, I think I usually sound pretty American.


As for favourite accents: Scottish, hands down.

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