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My Ideal World

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: People will be able to buy AK-47s at drive-thru windows.


Rich people will have access to nuclear missiles.


Work weeks will last for 80 hours with no overtime pay or benefits.


ESTJs will rule the world. ENTPs will be their loyal lackeys, advisers, and courtroom jesters.


Slavery will be reinstated, and it will be implemented on all of the ISFJs and ESFJs. ISFPs and ESFPs won't be enslaved, but will still be second-class citizens like the Irish back in the good ol' 1800's.


The Purge will become a real thing, and will happen every Saturday.


Marvel movies will kill off main characters. DC movies will keep Superman dead.


America will change its national anthem to the STAR WARS theme. Canada will change its national anthem to the Imperial March in honor of the time that they marched into Washington D.C. and burnt down the White House. Japan will change its flag to include two rising suns and make its national anthem the Binary Sunset theme.


People who reach retirement age are euthanized.


Marriage is abolished, and people reproduce by donating blood samples to cloning facilities.


Everyone is required to shave their head bald and get an identification number branded into the backs of their necks.


People can get sued for being short.


Cars look like the vehicles from Mad Max: Fury Road, and drinking is required for driving.


People are given swear words for names to keep their self-esteem low so that they can be easily controlled by the ESTJs (who, of course, have sensible names).


Killing a dog with your bare hands becomes a right of passage in order to become a legal adult.


Taxes are levied for restroom usage.


Recycling is made illegal.


Smiling becomes punishable by death.


Pokemon Go becomes the national sport of all developed countries.


Nobody wears clothes on Casual Friday.


School days last for 12 hours.


Public crucifixion becomes the new cow tipping.


Psychiatrists prescribe self-harm as a solution for depression.


McDonald's starts including black market organ "donations" in place of toys with their Happy Meals.


It becomes possible to acquire a license to own Velociraptor clones as pets.







For the record, I was actually being serious with that one about Marvel and DC.






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Meanwhile the other 11 Myers-Briggs types just sit around wondering what their role is in the new world order.

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Meanwhile the other 11 Myers-Briggs types just sit around wondering what their role is in the new world order.

:kaukau: I couldn't think of anything funny and controversial.  I thought of suggesting that INTPs be doctors and INTJs be engineers, but it interrupted the flow of the entry.  Also, I believe that the number is 10, because I also mentioned ENTPs.


Anyway, I like your comment. :)



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:kaukau: Don't worry, I'm not an ESTJ.  It would be against my values to run for office.


But as an ENTP, I'd gladly be a courtroom jester.



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INTPs would be running the world from the shadows. Why be on the receiving end of all the hate when you can totally snowball an ESx to just do your bidding for you. ;)

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IRL stuff meant I forgot to get around to this, but - this entire entry is in pretty poor taste (particularly the self-harm line) and we received some complaints about it.  I'm closing it up, and please be a bit more considerate in the future.

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