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Oh Dear, It's Spreading...



Well, Creepy Girl and her ilk are now on TV. Though it's mostly been late night. I guess this Chemistry thing is "successful" enough to have gone from an eerie banner ad to a full-fledged TV advertised product. Or perhaps Creepy Girl was able to ascertain our locations and has instructed her leaders to broadcast to those TVs that belong to those she has identified. Be cautious, they are coming.


In lighter news (or not depending on your opinions of the newest film), they've already annouced Shrek 4 for 2010. Odds are right now they'd prefer to do a prequel. Which I suppose make sense. Portray a young Shrek, giving them a chance to gather up a new set of VAs in case the originals can't be brought back. If they can, then it's a prequel set more recently. Otherwise it's young Shrek and friends. Odds are the latter would lead to an eventual Shrek TV series and the guaranteed destruction of the franchise.


Oh, Hollywood...when will you stop annoucing sequels only days after a movie is launched? Though I know it's not the earliest. Saw's IV and V were both annouced a week after the third hit theaters, and there was the talk of a Spiderman franchise to the tune of 6 movies while the second was still filming.


Beh on Hollywood.


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What you're not catching onto is this, T & <dd>:


Hollywood is not in the business of making great films.


That's right! They aren't!

They don't care about the grade of film that comes out of their studios anymore. Hollywood is in the business of making money. If making money requires remaking a hit, and driving said franchise into the dirt, then so be it. The goal remains the bottom line, not the quality of the output.


Wow, I just sounded like an independent film advocate or something.



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What worries me though is that it's a vicious cycle of sorts. Because all Hollywood's been doing is making sequels, then that's all that's out there t watch (for the most part). The more the market is saturated with sequels, the more the numbers start to skew.


The audiences want to go see movies, so if all they've got are sequels then they've really got no choice in the matter. So yeah sequels will do well, because there's no other choice.


Well, there's that...and the fact that a large part of the movie audiences these days are afraid to try anything unfamiliar.


Yeah, that just sounded like a bit of an independent film thought too.

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Aye, KIE hit the nail on the dot.


And where on earth did Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and House of the Flying Swords come from? Not from Hollywood. ;)


Hollywood is just toying with the fandom-fans' hearts, no?



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And where on earth did Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and House of the Flying Swords come from? Not from Hollywood. ;)

A book, and from the guy who did Hero. :P



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As original as Crouching Tiger and Flying Swords may be...they themselves have caused another Hollywood craze. And that is, the creation of a mentality that dictates the only Asian films worth bringing over are those in which ninjas or samurais fly through the air while fighting.


...Well, that and some of the freakiest ghost movies you'll ever see.

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...Well, that and some of the freakiest ghost movies you'll ever see.

Yanno, they sell.


See this is how the world works:


America has action films.

England has really weird comedy

Asia has "im gonna wet my pants" horror



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Yanno, they sell.

Oh I'm not bothered by that. Those horror movies are actually scary at times. As opposed to most of the American "horror" films. This is just my opinion, but horror in America these days seems to be more about replacing that feeling of discomfort that comes with being scared with that feeling of nausea that comes with being repulsed.


There's a difference in my eyes between covering your eyes because your scared and turning your head because you're disgusted. And I don't equate disgust with fear.

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