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Two Servings, Homework, And One Exhausted Jobie

Soaring Strawberry


:music: Imperial March (really soft, because my parents are watching "Heroes")


Serving #1

Here, four of us served the men and women at Covina Lodge (where we also had the sleepover). During the very casual event, a Demolay boy gave the flower talk, which discussed the importance of motherhood to young men. We received generous tips: a hundred dollars! :happydance:


Serving #2

Now, three of us served a fundraiser for the San Dimas Temple Board. The event was very formal, they even hired a jazz band to play music. But San Dimas also has a terrible combination: the locally famous chef uses many dishes, but the San Dimas Lodge doesn't have a dishwasher to clean it all up. As a result, we were up much later this time.



I spent all weekend doing a week's worth of assignments (easy) and four sections of Civics (not too hard, just more work than usual).


Other Stuff

We watched (rented) Happy Feet! :) I wanted to watch it a second time, but we had to return the DVD.

:lookhere: EDIT: I finally added a themed category content block! I am currently working on the one for the Bionicle category. Let's just say that this will be the last time I'll work with pearls...


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