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Sorry I haven't had time to update for a while. I've been busy and much has transpired. This entry, though, is mainly devoted to the highlight of the past few days:


INIKA!!! *Wheeze* Yes, I've at last found the Inika. I called the Lego Outlet here four or five times about once every three days, until I finally received the news that the Inika would be here on Thursday the 13th. I got that news on Tuesday the 11th. So after two days of more waiting, I was finally able to barter passage (okay, so I didn't really "barter" anything...) from my parents to get them to take me.


Off to the Lego Outlet it was. Walking towards it (it's in a mall), I could see the Inika on their shelf from like, fifty feet away. Upon sighting them, I was immediately shocked by the size of their canisters; the pictures I've seen indicate they are big, and people who have them have told me they're very big, but you can't quite comprehend their true enormity until you see them in person. They can barely be called canisters anymore; their shape and size makes them closer to plastic boxes.


So I drooled (figuratively, luckily) over them for a while, before proceeding to push all the buttons on their Toa weapons. The flashing is totally awesome. Extremely high quality and mesmerizing to watch. I quickly scanned the rest of the Bionicle shelf to find Vezon and Fenrakk for $29.99 USD and all of the playsets. I was disappointed that Axonn and Brutaka were nowhere to be found, but I quickly got over that loss. It's just a matter of time... My eyes strayed slightly to fall upon none other but Umbra himself. That got me more excited, snce I was certain I wouldn't be seeing him until later this year. I was disappointed, however, to find that Umbra was $24.99 USD, five dollars more than Axonn and Brutaka, despite the fact that Umbra has a lower piece count. It must be the two flashing weapons he comes with... So I returned to scanning the backs (and fronts) of the Inika cans, checking the tops, testing the tools a few more times, and basically trying to decide which two I would purchase.


For a while I had planned to get Matoro and Kongu Inika, but everyone seemed to be getting Matoro right off the bat, and I dislike going with the crowd. Not to mention since I had already seen a lot of him, I figured I would break away from the plan a little. I eventually decided on Kongu and Hewkii.


I'll probably write a review or something later on to describe the building experience in more detail, but I'll give you my short evalutation here.


The Inika are everything I had hoped they would be, and a few things I didn't consider. They're well-built, extremely ingenious in design, and have some well-implemented (and awesomely fun) features. I didn't expect them to be so tall, towering over the Olda and Nuva, and even the Hagah. Nor did I expect them to be so lanky, their hands going down to their knees. The Kanohi are pretty cool and they're all that I expected them to be as well.


These sets are revolutionary in design, function, and playability. They're awesome. Don't walk to the nearest Inika-carrying store. Drive. Fast. But not over the speed limit.


My quest to find the Inika is over. My quest to acquire them all has only just begun. *Narrows eyes*


... *Falls asleep*




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