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How I voted in 2016

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: I didn't like any of the candidates on the ballot, even the third party candidates. You'd think that I'd be the type of person who wouldn't vote, but I did. I voted for a write-in candidate. Guys, you can always vote for a write-in.


And no, I didn't write in Superman with Michael Phelps as his running mate. I take my write-ins somewhat seriously, and I tried to come up with an actual ticket that I thought was good for the country. Not that I have a huge issue with people who vote for Mickey Mouse, but that just comes off as a joke to me and that's not how I ever want to treat my own vote, personally.




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:kaukau: It actually depends on the state, actually.  Most states do indeed require candidates to be on a roster.  My home state of Iowa doesn't require it, though.  That having been said, I've been living in Minnesota this last year, and darn, I forgot that the rules were different here.  This really sucks.



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Issues or write-ins aside, it was important to vote for local elections too. So in theory you could've abstained from voting for president but could still vote for your senators, representatives, governors, ext. Props for voting!



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I'm just gonna start directing people to this entry whenever they try to tell me voting third party is a wasted vote

It's not really a 'wasted' vote more than just voting for someone who has no chance of getting elected. No 3rd party candidate to this day has ever won presidency.

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