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hm 2016



2016... a lot of negative stuff went down, a lot of sad things happened, a lot of bad things in general occurred and surfaced.


But in 2016 I made... 30,000 word progress on my book, so I'm nearly halfway done with it so far. I slowed down a lot due to falling into some potent periods of depression (I vanished off tumblr too for a good part of that time), I lost a lot of momentum I had due to that and the last couple months sorta felt like scraping buy to design some semblance of self worth. I quit my Starbucks job earlier in the year, too (I was going on HRT and everything, so I felt like with the drive, with the stress, physical and mental, it'd be healthier for me and to continue my therapy I was having trouble keeping due to my schedule that couldn't be changed).


The middle of the year was a haze really. I had a birthday, turned 21, annnnnd... yeah.



And everything else was pretty monotonous for me, it's all like just grey smudges if I had to think of a color for it. All blends in together and is kinda just the same.


But then in December like... I fell into a relationship with Serein and I've honestly like... I can't remember being this happy in... the last... six? Years? I actually cry from being extremely happy, or I blush and giggle, and just been in a fantastic mood and it's so new and refreshing and I just... lose my words and sound like a nerd a lot, BUT I MEAN


(plus she's super cute omg )


So it ended like incredibly, amazingly, happily and... just.. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

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