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Binky's Vacation Pictures



Attentive readers (both of you) may have noticed a lack of recent entries on the ol' BinkBlog. As you'll likely have deduced, being the intelligent and handsome folks you are, that's due to my recent vacation in Florida, at Walt Disney World in Orlando. Since I know you wait with baited breath for every morsel of BinkNews™, I'm delighted to present a handful of pictures from my nearly two weeks down south.


Besides, I could waste hours writing pithy and insightful stories about my vacation (and I probably will), but I know my audience - it's pictures or nothin'. So here you go. Warning: this page will load about 2.3MB of pictures.


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The Liberty Belle in the Magic Kingdom. We didn't ride, but she's a pretty boat


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Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, my favorite coaster ride


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Binky riding Everest, my least favorite coaster ride - I was green for a day and a half


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At the Indiana Jones show at MGM Studios


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That's weird - they're asking us to waste things!


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In the Epcot flower garden


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About to fall off a Viking longboat at Epcot


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Cool colors from the LEGO store (I bought seven Pick a Brick cups)


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Catastrophe Canyon at MGM Studios


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Binky's oldest son showing how thrilled he is to have his picture taken in front of the Kim Possible Meet-n-greet area


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Epcot at night - I love my new camera!


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The Everest ride, my new nemesis


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Backlot tour through the MGN Studios "boneyard" - past a model from Hitchhiker's Guide


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Lots o' fire at the Indiana Jones show at MGM Studios


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My most favoritest picture: I got to meet Ron Stoppable and Kim Possible!


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The hotel was a 10 minute walk from the Orlando LEGO Store


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Welcome to the Magic Kingdom


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Waltzing down the streets of MGM Studios


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The Disney monorail


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Mrs. Binky enjoying a well-earned iced frappaccino (my other most favoritest picture)


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Sign on the Saratoga Springs hotel wing where we stayed


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Downtown Disney's Pleasure Island from the water


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Another view of the hotel wing, with fountain in foreground


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Yet more Saratoga Springs (it's a big place)


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Saratoga Springs at night from the water ferry


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Saratoga Springs main entrance


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Dinner at the Sci Fi Restaurant in MGM Studios (fun ambiance, mediocre food)


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Goofing off in the airport terminal on the way back home


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Zooming down Epcot's Test Track (which rocked)


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Snoozing to the airport


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One of the Disney trains going around the Magic Kingdom




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Heh. Disney is in my backyard (relatively. Albeit about an hour's drive.). I go to the Lego Store in Orlando every once in a while. Loads of fun. Haven't been on Everest yet. Need to, though. Hehe. More tourists! :D ~Dwin~

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Those are really cool colors in PaB. (7?!?! Wow)

I also noticed it looks like you're wearing lots of Lego shirts, good for you! Let's see, maybe a Lego Ambasador polo on the roller coaster, and a LTC shirt at the Epcot Flower Garden and Kim Possible?


I like your son's shirt.



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I personally thought the everest ride was one of the most awesome rides. Especially the part in the dark. My little brother and I rode in the very front seat. That was a blast.
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So now I know what I've been missing. The last time I went to Disney World I was still in a stroller, so needless to say I can't remember much. The place looks pretty fun.
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At least somebody enjoyed the LEGO store... Hmph...




Lol. *saves Everest pic to comp.* Yeah, blackmail rocks. Seriously dude, Everest is awesome. I rode it 3 times. Got better each one. Even with my leg a little torn open after running into the solid stone corner of the bases of the pillars they have while exiting the ride in a small dark room *coughnotagoodideacough*.

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Lucky Binky went to Disney World...


Luck didn't have much to do with it. Money did. Saving up for 2 years to bring the family cross country for two weeks. It was worth the several thousand dollars I spent.

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Old people. Can't appreciate grueling roller coaster rides...


:lookaround: What, did I type that? No, I didn't type that...


Anyhow, looks like you had a blast. And, after all, what fun is a vacation when you can't post pictures on a blog and brag about it to others?



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So now I know what I've been missing. The last time I went to Disney World I was still in a stroller, so needless to say I can't remember much. The place looks pretty fun.

Same here. Once we save some money, we might go back. or we might go to Hawaii or Europe instead.

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When you said Kim Possible meet-and-greet, I thought you meant people who actually had something to do with the show, not posers people in costumes. *Denotes disappointment with reality*


But if you waste the trash can, what will they do with the sign? :P


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM

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