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I Build...

Roa McToa


And build and build and build and build and build and build and BUILD................


Quite frankly I am getting tired of it.......


If you are thinking that I am tired of building bionicle, have no fear! I could never give up this great building system we all know and love as Bionicle!


I have been stuck in Anchorage too much.... WAAYYYyyy too much! I am seriously wanting to cut back on my assembly job. I can already feel strange twinges in my hands,wrists and arms that weren't there before. Working there for about a year and a half, I have had enough of building every day. I don't want to end up with carpal tunnel syndrome...........


My goal is to attain a job at home in Seward, and still be able to come back to anchorage to work at my violinmaking/repair job. I am still thinking of doing assembly work, but only for the two weeks at a time that I'm in anchorage. A two and two week schedule would really work out great for me, and I am hoping to find an employer who will make room for my trade. If I earn enough money to put my shop together, I will be able to bring my work home with me, and have to travel to anchorage less. I'll have to save save save for that to happen!


On another note, I got to process some fresh fish the other day. T'was 1 1/2 halibut worth of fillets, it is was SO GOOD! I cooked a half a fillet the other night, and it was perfect and flaky juicy nummyness! I also cleaned up some salmon, and had that a few nights before halibut. It was So Good, that it tasted like candy! :P I hope to get more fish soon, I love the stuff!


Another reason I really want to spend time in Seward, is to find love. I met someone a while back that I'd like to run into again, and if he doesn't make the cut, I will look around. There are plenty of nice men to go looking for in "Poor Womanless Seward"............ I am crossing my fingers, 'cause being lonely just stinks. I hope I find a guy who likes the fact that I love bionicle and lego..... Its always the pitts when a guy thinks you are wierd for liking toys.......


Anyways, I'll bring this entry to a close. I will have more to talk about soon, as I have been seeing the moose browsing lately....... Lots of them!


See you next entry!












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I thought you had a BF...



*Awkward slience*




Did I just see Roa sign out? It's the end of the world! Migrate! Flee!


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Heh, Thought I did. Turns out my 3.5 year long distance relationship peetered out. He "fell out of love" I guess.... and sent me an email. I hadn't heard from him for two months beforehand as far as phone calls, and he never did call me....... Oh well. New fish await my arrival at the not so distant shore..........


I plan on making some new mocs soon. I'm posting chibi umbra tonight too.






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'cause being lonely just stinks.


I had to go through grade four and five with only one good friend at school, and this year (grade six) with only two...


I hope to get more fish soon, I love the stuff!


I'm a vegitarian... :P


- :l: :flagcanada:

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