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Quick Thoughts on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Toa Smoke Monster


It's been awhile since I've done one of these. :P


Anyways, I enjoyed Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. A lot of the jokes were really funny, the action scenes were great, and the movie itself just looked beautiful. It also had a really good soundtrack. It's not as memorable as the first movie's, but it's still good.


Everyone in the movie gets a moment to shine, from Peter to Rocket to Baby Groot. Yondu is probably the one who gets the most character development, though everyone from the first movie who is in this one gets more development. Even the villain is developed well. At least better than some villains from previous Marvel movies.


But even though I did liked this movie, I still prefer the first one a little bit more. I felt like this movie was a little too silly at times. Don't get me wrong, it does have some serious scenes, and they are really good. But I do think that they did go a little overboard with the jokes.


Also, the villain does one thing that I thought was kind of baffling. I'm putting it in spoiler tags, so if you haven't seen the movie and don't want to be spoiled, don't open it:



The villain tries to convince Peter to join him, but then tells him that he gave Peter's Mom her brain tumor, which killed her. Why did he think that Peter would join him after telling him that he basically KILLED HIS MOTHER? That usually doesn't work under normal circumstances. And with villain saying he's been alive for millions of years and interacting with others, one would think he would've learned down the line to not tell someone you're trying to recruit that you killed their parent.



Overall, this is definitely another hit for Marvel. Anyone who enjoyed the first Guardians will probably really like this one too. It has it's flaws, but it's still a good film to kick off the summer season of movies. So if you haven't already, go check it out. You will be entertained.


Have you seen GotG Vol. 2? And if so, what did you think of it?

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I dug it. Soundtrack felt a little more eclectic but I'm enjoying listening to it.


Plot wasn't as tight as the first one, which bugs me a little (I like tight plots), and there were a few bibs and bobs that felt like it needed another draft.


But as a whole, I thought it came together quite well and was thoroughly enjoyable and surprisingly affecting.

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I loved it. Best Marvel sequel in a decade, not counting the Captain America movies. But I give James Gunn extra credit because he managed to do what Jon Faraveu and Joss Whedon failed to do.


Regarding the villain:



I think it's clear from his entire motivation - heck, from his very name - that Ego can't even comprehend why what he is doing is so terrible. On the contrary: I think he believes he is doing the universe a favor by ensuring its immortality, even if it means the death of all other life as we know it. And he assumed that his own flesh and blood would get with the program, or at least hesitate to throw away the PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER for the sake of mere mortal attachments. His last words to Quill before his death pretty much say it all.


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