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New Game Forming

Pahrak Model ZX


It’s not ready yet but I think this could be a good one and I’m like…halfway there, give or take.


The basic setup is that an island is being attacked, and this same exact thing happened ten thousand years ago. However, the only record of those events is in a language no one reads anymore, so they have no idea how to proceed and are doing very poorly. So, five Chroniclers are sent to find the Spirit of Knowledge and gain the power to translate the history so that they can find some clues to help the island survive. However, the Spirit needs some convincing, and we can’t know if all the Chroniclers are compassionate…


At the start of a round, the players are given a prompt, and then have four days to write a very short story. I judge it, and the winner gets a piece of the history PMed to them. Then they decide what to do with it. They can publish it to the Library for all to see, or they can keep it for themselves. Or, they can just PM it to certain other players. And whenever they publish or share it, they can alter the version that gets published or shared. Because after that, a problem similar to the one in the history fragment will be presented to the modern-day villages, and the Chroniclers need to tell their people how to handle it. At the end of the game the status of each player’s village will be summed up, so if you want the others to do poorly, you can try to mislead them. So, who to trust?


I just need to write up the history and decide on prompts, and then I’ll settle on a release date. I’ve been trying to do something like this for a while so I’m eager to see how it goes!

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Why don't you make it so that they have to get a Kanohi Rau?


Won't someone think of the useless Kanohi Rau? :(

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