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Maybe There's Something To Pacifism After All...



Semifinals? OMGosh!

Anyway, as I may or may not have mentioned, when my cousin was over I built a few MOCs using parts from his collection. It was pretty much a win-win situation, as he got to return home and wow his friends with comparatively awesome MOCs, and I got to play around with an unfamiliar parts palette, albeit an extremely limited one (almost entirely '06-07 sets, and not a 1 x 2 liftarm in the lot). Regardless, I think I did pretty well. Rather than make a topic for them, I've decided to post them in a trio of ANFSCD-exclusive entries.


First up is General Zhavoh, a master strategist in Kalmah's army. He prefers to fight in single combat, believing mass murder to be dishonorable. His aversion to mass killing is tolerated only because of his extreme effectiveness as a general. His right eye--lost in a duel long ago--has been replaced with a telescopic/night-vision implant.

He wields an electric claw and a staff capable of firing sparkly green concussive bolts. Both can be used in close combat to great advantage. Here's the gallery (when public, silly pickleheads) and the deeplinks: 1-2-3-4-5


I should stress that I really like this guy's head. The eyes give it a very cyborgly look that completely disassociates it from the Kadin. #5 is probably the best view.




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Nice for limited pieces... although the chest leaves somthing to be desired...

I like what you did with the back and limbs.


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That's great. I like your use of Ehlek's claws on how you fit them in the piece.


And, yes, the head is great. I guess you'll be keeping how you built it a secret...



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