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I'm Back... I Guess... Again...?



Well, same old, same old for my whole family problem things. I had gone through three choir performances last thursday and Friday. It went rather well, I think. It's really annoying to think that my class could have been so much better if they had payed more attention to the teacher... Grar... Oh well. And tonight I am going to a youth group meeting with my church. Always fun.


Whoa, that actually wasn't sarcasm. How did that happen? Well anyway, and tomorrow POTC 3 comes out!!! Liek ZOMGzorz!!1!11!one!!1! I'm going to see it as early as I can. I am also going to dress up as Captain Jack Sparrow. It is going to be awesome... Yes it will... And I still haven't been able to fix my scanner or it's software yet. Something about my computer not having enough hard drive...


One more thing: Who can first name the "person" who most annoyingly said "The Power... is YOURS!"


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Oh I can't wait for PotC too, a stupid site though confuzzled us and and now we're not going to the midnight showing. >< Oh well, we're going on Friday at 10pm, and I'm dressing up as Barbossa! Yay!
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