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Fake News

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: Nope. Nothing political. But I am legitimately getting ticked off with Yahoo for consistently reporting falsehoods. Specifically, they often use pictures that don't have anything to do with the stories they're reporting. I've seen several examples in the last few days. Some of them are fairly simple, such as reporting on a new poster for the Justice League movie and using a fan-made poster instead of the actual one, but the one bit of fake news that really takes the cake is a report on a girl who lost her life at a water park, the U.S. National Whitewater Center in North Carolina. It was a pretty tragic story. Basically, the water-park had made-made rapids that kayaking athletes would use for training, and a girl fell off of the kayak. She didn't get physically damaged, but the park hadn't been taking proper care of its water, and there was a parasitic, brain-eating bacteria in the water that entered into her body. She died a few days later. Her family has sued the park. You'd think that the comments section would be pretty sympathetic to the family, but the family is being ridiculed for suing, because people are under the impression that she wasn't kayaking in a water park, but a natural river. Why? Because instead of providing pictures of the actual park, the article provided pictures that it must have got off of a Google image search of rapids, and it used pictures of a muddy river in South America. The Yahoo article was also very vague on the nature of the park, and at times made it sound like a state park set in the great outdoors instead of being a controlled environment. So now instead of having people mourn the death of the girl, people are walking away thinking that it's a frivolous lawsuit, that they might as well sue mother nature, when the story is actually about a water park that didn't properly chlorinate their waters.


Long story short, please don't use Yahoo News. And if you do, be very skeptical of everything that they write, especially of any pictures that they may include.




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