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Raffle winner :D



blog-0751955001501265420.pngOh my wow! I never thought this would happen to me :) I actually won a raffle!, good game to everyone who entered as it's all for a good cause :D unbelieveable, but it's real :bigsmile:


Now time for a full story:


When I noticed that Bzpower were doing several charity raffles, I was curious to see what prizes were on offer, when I saw the G1 collectibles I was immediately drawn in, the prizes were all great, hard to find masks and prototypes! I bought a ticket straight away, over the week before the end date I checked how many tickets where sold and calculated what the chance of me winning was.


It has been raining all day, rain is my favourite weather and I consider it lucky, in any fictional stories I write rain always symbolises good luck, when I woke up I worked out that my chance of winning was 3.5%, so I got on with the rest of the day, looking forward to the results, though I seriously doubted that I would win, I even made a joke to myself that even if I didn't win at least me in an alternate universe would.


in the afternoon I caught up with some friends I hadn't seen in years it was a nice experience and went well I eventually returned home, watched some Ninja Warrior on TV amongst other things and then went to work on another scene for my film Insectoids, acknowledging what time it was I opened up BZPower to check the results, nothing yet.


After quickly checking some other things on my laptop I opened up BZPower again, immediately my eyes were drawn to 1 Notification and 1 Message, my heart was beating faster than usual at this point, I opened the notification, "A raffle you're participating in is completed" it read, I ran the mouse over to the messages, I thought what could this be, a "thank you for entering message" maybe, my heart continued to beat rapidly, and I begun to tremble, I clicked the icon, the new message was from Black Six himself, titled "Congratulations, CommanderKumo!"


Time began to slow down, this was really happening! after all these years of entering, and failing competitions, my childhood dream of victory has finally been fulfilled! after a cold drink to let reality settle in I took no time in confirming my name and address to Black Six as requested in his message.


What a truly great experience, it's great to see such wonderful things being done for charity and I thank everyone who entered, I'm certain that the money will help Sladechild accomplish it's goal.

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