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Comic Research



Spent one evening this week at a couple of BIONICLE comic focus groups (there were four sessions, but I only made it for two). The purpose was to basically revisit the comic, see what people thought of it and whether it was helping BIONICLE as much as we think.


The good news, at least in the sessions I was at, was that the kids (7-9 year old boys) are reading it, enjoying it (especially the fighting), and getting a lot of their awareness of BIONICLE from the comic and the LEGO Magazine. That is what we wanted to hear.


The two things that surprised me was that none of the 17 kids we had in complained about the comic being shorter this year, or were having any problems following the story. No one seemed to realize #6 was online, which suggest to me at least that if we do more online-exclusive comics in the future, we need to really shout from the rooftops so people know they are there.


Just booked my tickets for this year's Comic-Con! I will be there for the entire show, for those of you planning to go (I know at least a few BZPers are making the trip).


Just finished proofing Bionicle Legends #8 and the new Encyclopedia. I think #8 is the best book I have done since BA #10 -- I ended up being really happy with how it came out. Encyclopedia is about 30 pages or so longer than the first one was, and includes a lot of pics of Rahi and Dark Hunter fan-built models, which is nice. Also has some new info, like a hint about 2008 story, details on the "shadow plague," some more info on what Lesovikk was doing over the last 100,000 years, and more -- hopefully worth picking up even if you have the old one.




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I kind of admit the Bionicle comics don't get enough advertizing as they deserve, I'd just love to go to a comic store a buy them right off the shelf. But I'll stick to borrwowing/stealing them from my friend.


I wish I could go to Comic Con, where is it this year? Oh wellz... ;-;


Oh and a new book as good as 10!? I loved 10, I have read that thing over and over...I can't wait for it Mr. Greg. :D Also I'll be sure to pick up that Encyclopedia when I can, I got your World book awhile back and enjoyed the info greatly.

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It's in San-Diego, and I'm going too! Yay! I get to meet Greg!



The best since BA10? Which one was BA10? Time Trap? That one was good. Wow, can't wait!

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So the comics are important. Good, I'd hate to lose them. They're how I originally got into Bionicle in 2001!


Here in Finland, the comics are printed in the local native tongue by a third-party publishing house. They come to the magazine stands a couple-three times a year in combo editions that cost actual €€€. They're always way behind, so I stay more up to date by reading them on the official Bionicle site. Consider yourself lucky, LK. :)



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When is the 2nd Encycolpedia availabale?

Cos I wanna buy it.

And I can't wait till I get my hands on #7 and #8, they sound awesome.

You make Downfall sound so good.

And I thought City of the Lost was good... so I guess I'm in for a treat?



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It's not that the comics are too short, it's just that I always want MORE! :P


Well, as long as the comics don't go away I'll be content. Hmm... looks like there's a few more books I'll be picking up this year. :)



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Yay! The comics will stay!

BA #10 is the best Bionicle book to date... lets hope Bionicle Legends #8 will be just as good or better.

The main reason I liked BA #10 so much was it was mostly back story stuff... kinda. It wasn't all too important to the story... well it was, but...


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It's not that the comics are too short, it's just that I always want MORE!

I am dissapointed with the fewer pages in the comics. Since the boys didn't mind, does that mean we won't be getting more pages?


On the note of comic 6 being online, even I didn't realize that. Or maybe I did since you may have mentioned it. I rarely go to Bionicle.com and sometimes things like comics might not work on certain computers. Stick to something I can add to the pile of other Bionicle comics, please, IMHO.


Good job on BL8. Sounds great! As well as the Encyclopedia, which I was going to pick up again anyway.



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That's great, Greg! Can't wait for all of the books (especially BL8). But did you really think that those kids would be having a hard time with the story? I think you are underestimating the mind of a child. :D

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I thought they would, indeed, Gravitan, because one of MY problems with the comics is the issue of having to cram 60,000-80,000 words of story into so few pages -- I feel like sometimes I have to take story leaps to fit everything in, and I can leave the readers behind.



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Really glad to hear that Mr. Farshtey's so excited about Legends #8 -- enthusiasm is contagious, as we all should know. :)


And really, even if Encyclopedia 2 didn't have all that new info, I would seriously get it anyway. I love encyclopedia-type books like that...


jetslandingboard :silver:

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I thought they would, indeed, Gravitan, because one of MY problems with the comics is the issue of having to cram 60,000-80,000 words of story into so few pages -- I feel like sometimes I have to take story leaps to fit everything in, and I can leave the readers behind.



You're better at making it all fit together than you think you are; trust me on that one. :)


EDIT: Typo.

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