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Pm I Got Today



Not sure if this is serious, or a prank, but I thought I would share a PM I got today from a "BIONICLEFan606":






I made an account on Bzpower specifically just to be able to contact you, Mr. Farshety.

I dont know anything about Bionicle, but I got your name from one of my brother's Bionicle books, and decided that you were the best person to come to.

My little brother, 15, is a really big fan of Lego Bricks, specifically Bionicle. He goes to Central High and plans to attend their College too.

The other day, my brother came home with a broken collar bone and scarred face from some school bullies all because of this stupid toy he like.

That's not all of it.

I am sick of going into his room, and see it covered and decorated with pictures of bionicles and displayments of his 'masks'.

He is becoming a reclusive to our family and is constantly on this website socializing with others about these toys that ruin lives.

I blame all of this entirely on you.

Please go home and think about how there is one teenage boy who you made into a freakin zombie and sucked into your little world.


I am leaving this message anonymous mostly because I will never be on this account again. My brothers name will also be kept entirely secret on this site.




If it is serious, it raises some interesting questions in my mind --


1) Lots of anger at me, and at LEGO by extension, but no mention of any for the people who beat up his/her brother -- ignorant, intolerant people who would hurt someone for having an interest different from theirs. The evil here is people who want others to think like they do and act like they do -- they are the ones trying to create zombies incapable of independent thought.


2) If the account was created specifically to tell me about this, why was it created 12 days ago, and includes posts in the BIONICLE-based creations forums? And why keep it anonymous when you could simply cancel the account, and thus never hear from me?


3) If true, this is a tragic story. Even if not true, there may well be similar (if not as extreme) situations liek this out there, so it is worth discussing anyway. But I am not sure what BIONICLE is guilty of here other than being entertaining. No one is forced to adopt it as a hobby -- it is certainly not omnipresent in our culture or something a 15 year old is going to feel he has to be involved in against his will. It sounds like this person found an interest they were genuinely enthusiastic about ... so we are to blame for making BIONICLE worthy of interest.


BIONICLE is not a cult -- it's a toy line for 7-9 year olds, supported by a comic, a web site, and some books. There is no TV series popping up on your screen, no MMRPG everyone is talking about, or anything else forcing its way into your life. If BIONICLE is part of your life, it is because you actively chose it to be. And, unfortunately, standing up for things you care about can be painful. I know a lot of BZPers can testify to that.


If this young man was spending too much time on BIONICLE -- obsessing over it -- then that is something for the family to deal with. If we are going to blame/shut down everything that has the potential to absorb someone that much, we will not have much left in our culture.


Any thoughts?




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I'm trying to keep calm here. I almost can't.


Really. If you consider this toy stupid and dumb don't buy it. But blaming Greg, an outstang person, a jolly guy, an excelent writer for... Working with bionicle, then blame all of us. Every single puny little living creature that likes or works for Bionicle. If you hate it, go ahead, don't buy it. But don't blame Greg for the actions of Bullies. Blame them. Not liking Bionicle and saying it is stupid would be as bad as being the bullies themselves. What would your brother say if he saw this? He would see you blaming Greg. He'd hate you for it. He really would. You have no Idea who he is, you never heard from him and you've not even tried to. So if you are going to keep blaming Lego and specially Greg: Think twice. You're as bad as the bully that beat the (Sorry for the use of the following word) ###### out of your brother. You are hurting your and millions of people's feelings. Your brother's too. So think twice. And DON'T YOU DARE EVER, BLAME ANYTHING RELATED TO THIS ON GREG YOU UNDERSTAND ME? UH?


Sorry, couldn't contain myself.


Do you even know what Bionicle is about? Do you even know who... Tahu is? Or Karzahni? Or the most famous character of all, Mata Nui? Have you tried to understand what the story is about? Have you? Tried to understand how Takua got the Avohkii, how the MAsk of Life can save Mata Nui, or how Greg writes the story? No. Then TRY! Try to see OUR point of view for once. OUR way of thinking, and stop being such a #####! Such a single minded #####!


I really envy your brother's courage. He is a swell guye, and I'd like to meet him. To have the guts to confront someone in that way, saying "I like Bionicle!", to admit he likes 6 year old toys. He is trully brave.


Now, I don't normally like to have arguments like this, but I couldn't stop it. I can't take people like that. So single minded, they don't think! THINK YOU DUMB CREATURE! THINK! Do you think it is GREG'S Fault? Then it is your fault the A-Bomb fell on Hiroshyma and Nagasaki because you live on the Earth. Just like the people that launched them did. Did you want it to happen? No. But it did. Did Greg want your brother scarred and with a broken collar bone? No. It's the same thing. Exact same thing.


*Deep Breath*


The Disousa



Idk, i didnt think it was that great.


You should always stick with originality dude.


Small Soldiers, Night at the Museum, The Puppet MAster Returns, its all been done.



ill hold your word that your stories are better and more original

he posted here! picking on lehu's comedies!!!!


and look!! his PERSONAL PROFILE!


Man look at the comments i made on his profile


I 'll investigate


Why doesn't he call himself "I hate you Greg"

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Idk, i didnt think it was that great.


You should always stick with originality dude.


Small Soldiers, Night at the Museum, The Puppet MAster Returns, its all been done.



ill hold your word that your stories are better and more original

he posted here! picking on lehu's comedies!!!!


and look!! his PERSONAL PROFILE!


C'mon. What's done is done. He doesn't seem likely to revoke what he said, but I say the best thing we can do is stop picking on him. So he disliked one person's comedies? Big deal. No need to jump on him for everything he does.


Anyway, he doesn't like the BIONICLE storyline. Again, big deal. There are plenty of people who dislike Star Wars, yet they have as much of a right to hang out with fans as anyone.


Anyway, it's clear that due to either embarrassment or pride he refuses to take back what he said to Greg. I still claim that he was not thinking straight when he made that PM, and we can't expect him to have been doing so given the severity of the situation. Therefore, I suggest that unless you hold back the insults and sympathy that comprise most of this entry's comments, and try to show a little understanding instead. This person made a mistake, and while they like many others refuse to admit it, we can still remain respectful to him, a fellow BZPower member and fellow human.


With all due respect,

:vahi: Aanchir: Rachira of Time

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This entire situation makes me sick. Yah, he never should of PMed Greg like that, blaiming him. I'm not making excusses for him or saying he was right in any way. But some of you guys are being just as rude to him as he was to Greg. I know I wouldn't wan't people constantly telling me I should go die or some thing like that because of something I said.

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Alright,he has the right to display anger but not at Greg.I mean if you're going to be angry at some one go attack those bullies not Greg,BF606,okay?I can understand your anger BF606 but why be angry at Greg?



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Alright,he has the right to display anger but not at Greg.I mean if you're going to be angry at some one go attack those bullies not Greg,BF606,okay?I can understand your anger BF606 but why be angry at Greg?




It's a lot easier to be mad at a person who you don't know in person, and whom you don't fear backlash from, than people who live in your vicinity who might take this out on you or your brother, who they would be mad at for "ratting them out." Face it, while not a well-thought-out decision, it is the sort that many faced with this sort of stress would make, particularly if those people were already as irritated and concerned about their siblings' BIONICLE obsession as BIONICLEfan606 was. Overall, irritation + simplicity + overwhelming and undirected stress = a seemingly logical course of action. And I hold no grudge against BIONICLEfan606, who, while not so cowardly that he would deny having sent this PM, has not since indicated that he holds any grudge against Greg, either for the "offenses" indicated in the PM, or for Greg's having brought this to light (and that would be an easy grudge to hold, given the inappropriate reactions of many who read this entry). BIONICLEfan606, you have my support.

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